Thursday 25 August 2016

My Summer Morning Routine | 2016

It's been requested from a few readers for me to do a blog post on My Summer Morning Routine so that's what I'm going to share with you all today. For the people who have requested it, I'm super sorry that this blog post has taken me ages to get around to doing but I do hope that you enjoy reading it.

5.00am: Phil's alarm will go off for work and he gets up, so I turn over for another hour's sleep.

6.00am: My alarm goes off. I have a flicker though my social media, like/comment a few things..

6.15am: Get out of bed, brush my teeth, have a bath, do My Skincare Routine*, dry my hair, pick clothes for the day, etc.

7.30am: Coffee and food time. I usually just have a coffee made on milk and a piece of fruit.

7.45am: Reply to emails, blog comments, social media comments, etc.

8.00am: Makeup time! My favourite part of my morning is playing with some makeup.

8.30am: Make another warm drink and call my Nan for our morning phone call. I do this every morning, I love knowing my grandparents are okay.

9.00am: Start blogging for the day. If you would like to know more about my blogging schedule then check these two blog posts out Blogging and Sponsorship Tips and Confessions of a Blogger.

With love, Alisha Valerie. x

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