Saturday, 30 June 2018

The Soundtrack To My Life | Morphilms Blogs

Something that makes a movie, TV show or game stand out to me is the soundtrack. It can hook you in an instant or keep you going when the actual narrative drags. So I thought I’d write up a few suggestions for anyone looking to enjoy a story and a couple of good tunes. An honourable mention goes to Daria, which has a kickass MTV soundtrack that isn’t on the DVDs because of license issues.

Monday, 25 June 2018

Hempz Beauty Pink Pomelo & Himalayan Sea Salt Herbal Collection

When was the last time you found a brand that you fell in love with? Like literally you adore every single one of their products and can't find fault in any of them? I know for me until recently, it was a really long few years ago. If you've been reading my blog for a little while or you follow me on one of my social media account then you may read that I've been talking about Hempz Beauty* literally non-stop as I love them so much! So when towards the end of last month I was contacted asking if I'd like to receive their new "Pink Pomelo & Himalayan Sea Salt" collection, I was over the moon as if you're a regular reader of my blog you'll know how much I adore cruelty-free and natural products but also products that contain hemp or cannabis in them.

Monday, 18 June 2018

CBD Brothers Hemp Oil

I've been a spoonie for most of my life, twenty-three years to be exact and up until six months ago I was taking a daily chemotherapy tablet as well as other steroid medications each year, I hated it. I know there are a lot of people who love medications and I understand that nine times out of ten medications work wonders for people but after listening to my doctors over the years and trying it so many different medications over the course of my life I was done with it all. I wanted something which wasn't medically tested on animals, I wanted something which was natural and organic so I chose Cannabis.

Friday, 15 June 2018

It's Kind of a Funny Story Movie | Review

Directed by Ryan Fleck and Anna Boden this movie is about sixteen-year-old Craig Gilner (played by Atypical's Keir Gilchrist) checks himself into a mental-health clinic as he is stressed by adolescence. Unfortunately, the youth wing is closed, so he must spend his mandated five-day stay with adults. One of them, Bobby (played by The Hangover's Zach Galifianakis), quickly becomes his mentor and protege, while Craig finds himself drawn to a fellow teen, Noelle (played by 'Wild Child' Emma Roberts), who just may be the cure he needs to forget an unrequited crush.

Monday, 11 June 2018

My Five Year Goals

My absolute beautiful friend Kiah, who if you don't know already you should check out because she is amazing, did this blog post a while ago and it gave me the idea to do one for myself, so thanks babe for posting it and giving me the idea! I don't like to say I have a plan in life, I have goals and I work hard to achieve them but I also believe that you have to put the effort in and what is meant to be will happen. So instead of calling this "my five-year plan", I've decided to name it "My Five Year Goals"

Sunday, 10 June 2018

Fathers Day Gift Guide | 2018

AD | Hello my lovelies! Fathers Day is right around the corner so I thought I'd make this blog post and share with you my top Fathers Day gift ideas for this year.

Monday, 4 June 2018

How To Be A Morning Person

I love mornings, they're my "me time". A time in the day where everything is relaxed and peaceful, nothing has happened yet, my day hasn't fully started and I can spend a little while just being chilled. So, I thought that since I've seen so many people on social media moaning about their mornings recently I thought I would share some tips with you all on how to be a morning person..