Hello my lovelies! I cannot believe that tomorrow is a new year, 2015 was been a mad, emotional, crazy, amazing, roller-coaster ride for me so I'm hoping 2016 is going to be another wonderful year. I really hope you all have had an incredible year and next year is an amazing year for you all. Remember tomorrow is the first blank page of a 365 page book. Write a good one!
Thursday, 31 December 2015
Tuesday, 29 December 2015
Christmas Wonderland | Tag
Hello beautiful's! I have been tagged in the Christmas Wonderland Tag by a couple of people last year (I know it's taken me ages to do!) so I thought I would get around to doing it. I hope you all enjoy reading this blog post and are getting more and more excited for Christmas just like I am!
Monday, 28 December 2015
What I Got For Christmas | 2015
Hello beautiful! Firstly, I want to make it clear that I was asked to do this blog post so in no way, shape or form am I trying to show off or brag at what I am about to show. I have been asked by my readers and followers to do this blog post so please do not leave hateful comments or thoughts in my comments below.
Secondly, I do admit I have rushed this blog post a little bit which is terrible of me I know but I wanted to get it up today and I have limited time because of so much I have to do today so please excuse the bag quality of the pictures. They were taken on Phil and my bed which isn't the best place to take pictures really due to the lighting and the banner was such a quick make that I know it's rather terrible. I apologise in advance.
Saturday, 26 December 2015
Christmas Cranberry Face Mask | DIY
Hello beautiful's! Seeing as it's Boxing Day I thought I would share with you all a lovely relaxing home-made beauty DIY that you can do at home either with family or friends (or maybe even both) so that you can all just take half an hour, relax and enjoy the Christmas time.
Friday, 25 December 2015
Merry Christmas!
It's Christmas Morning...
I do hope you have a wonderful time this Christmas.
With love, Alisha Valerie. x
Thursday, 24 December 2015
It's Christmas Eve...
Wednesday, 23 December 2015
Christmas Giveaway! [Closed]
This giveaway is now closed. Thank you so much to everyone who took part! Winner is Amanda Bootes.
Hello beautiful's! It's Christmas Time! Can you believe that on Friday it's going to be Christmas Day? CRAAAZY I know! I wanted to do this Christmas Giveaway blog post so one of you lucky people can win a (slightly-late) Christmas present from me. Also a massive thank you to everyone who is following me on my twitter as I have finally reached 900 followers and everyone following me on my instagram as I have finally reached 600 followers!
Hello beautiful's! It's Christmas Time! Can you believe that on Friday it's going to be Christmas Day? CRAAAZY I know! I wanted to do this Christmas Giveaway blog post so one of you lucky people can win a (slightly-late) Christmas present from me. Also a massive thank you to everyone who is following me on my twitter as I have finally reached 900 followers and everyone following me on my instagram as I have finally reached 600 followers!
Tuesday, 22 December 2015
Christmas Time | Tag
Hello beautiful! It's nearly Christmas which means it's another Christmas Tag. If you missed last week's Christmas Traditions Tag click the title to read that and find out a little bit more about my Christmas' and what I get up to at Christmas time.
Sunday, 20 December 2015
My Makeup Room Christmas Decorations | Home Decor
Hello beautiful's! If you have watched any of my vlogmas on my snapchat you will have already seen my make up room Christmas decorations, but for those of you who haven't seen it or don't have snapchat I wanted to do this blog post to show you all how cute my make up room looks this December..
Saturday, 19 December 2015
Christmas Time | Home Décor
Hello beautiful's! I thought I would share with you all a couple of pictures of our home this Christmas time.
Christmas Nails
Hello beautiful's! As usual I need your help! I want to do my nails in a wonderful Christmas look this year and can't decide on which one to do. It's less than a week until Christmas now so I really need you all to help me pick?
Friday, 18 December 2015
Hello beautiful's! I HAVE SNAPCHAT! I'm going to be doing vlogs more on my snapchat now so if you want to follow me on there and see what I'm up to from day-to-day...
Thursday, 17 December 2015
My Christmas Wants | 2015
Hello beautiful's! Christmas is nearly here and I thought I would share with you all my Christmas Wants of 2015. I done one of these for my birthday back in July and got really good feedback from it on twitter so one for Christmas is something I've been planning to do for a whie.
Tuesday, 15 December 2015
Christmas Traditions | Tag
Hello beautiful's! I have been tagged in the Christmas Traditions Tag by a couple of people so I thought I would get around to doing it. I hope you all enjoy reading this blog post and are getting more and more excited for Christmas just like I am!
Monday, 14 December 2015
Sarah Willow.
Hello beautiful's! First thing I want to state is this blog post is in no way shape or form sponsored, I haven't been asked to do it, I haven't been paid to do it, nothing whatsoever in this blog post has been asked of me. I actually messaged Sarah and asked if to would be okay to share her story on my blog for a couple of reasons: 1) This woman, just like so many women out there, deserves to have a "normal" life doesn't she? 2) I want to share a little about how the government does not help disabled people without wanting something in return and 3) I want to help raise awareness about being a spoonie.
Dear Daniel...
Hello beautiful's! When the lovely Alice from Daniel Footwear got in touch with me asking if I'd like to be apart of their "Dear Daniel" this Christmas time I jumped at the chance! I've heard about Daniel Footwear before and even been on their website a couple of times but although their items are beautiful, they are way out of my price budget.
Daniel Footwear love bloggers they are running an exciting competition this Christmas. If you fancy winning your favourite pair of shoes from their website then carry on reading...
Daniel Footwear love bloggers they are running an exciting competition this Christmas. If you fancy winning your favourite pair of shoes from their website then carry on reading...
Sunday, 13 December 2015
The Body Shop Baked-To-Last 'Blush & Highlighter' | Review
Hello beautiful! I am in love... with The Body Shop Baked-To-Last blush and highlighter duo palette. I have got to be honest, this is my second one of these because I just love it so much. This is not a new product from The Body Shop these have been out now for a couple of years I think and since buying one of my own and replacing it once that one has ran out, I have hardly used any other blusher. I just love it for the colour and glow it gives me so much.
Saturday, 12 December 2015
Rosemary Mint Shaving Cream | DIY
Hey beautiful's! Christmas Day is literally a few weeks away and I wanted to do another little Christmas Day blog post for present ideas but I didn’t want to do a haul or general tag blog so I decided to do a beauty DIY blog instead. This is going to be my second of two DIY Christmas Day blogs so make sure if you haven't already then go back to next weeks blogs to check that one out!
Thursday, 10 December 2015
Lush Christmas | Haul
Hello beautiful's! Phil and me popped into Liverpool city centre a couple of weeks ago and I couldn't resist going into Lush Cosmetics and spending a couple of pounds of their wonderful products, especially with their Christmas stock in their stores again now! I only picked up a couple of things as we were in a little bit of a rush but I thought I would share with you what I picked up...
Tuesday, 8 December 2015
MAC Sequin Frost Lipstick | Review
Hello beautiful's! I want to note here first that this lip stick is not a new purchase, I've had this lip stick for a couple of months now, but I have been wearing it a lot recently as I feel like it's perfect for the Autumn and Christmas months.
Sunday, 6 December 2015
Winter Nails
Hello beautiful's! Just like I did on Halloween time, I need your help again! I want to do my nails in a beautiful Winter look this year and can't decide on which one to do. Help me pick?
Saturday, 5 December 2015
Jack Daniels and Coke Cakes | DIY
Hello beautiful's! Christmas day is so close now and I thought I would do a little cooking DIY for you all so if you're late shopping and you can't get whatever for whoever at least you could make them something. I personally love receiving home-made gifts and personalised gifts, so I thought it would be good to share this recipe as I know a lot of people struggle with what-to-buy-who when it comes to Christmas. These are really great as male gifts.
Thursday, 3 December 2015
Ulcerative Colitis and Me
Hello lovelies! This blog post is going to be a very personal one. I have had a lot, and when I say a lot I mean a massive amount, of people asking me about Ulcerative Colitis because as you may have seen every day at 3pm I tweet about UC. This blog post is not about asking anyone for money. I want to write this blog post to raise awareness and also answer any questions that you may have about this horrible invisible illness. December 1st until December 7th is National Colitis Awareness Week and I have decided to finally share my story about living with Ulcerative Colitis.
I've realised not many people know what ulcerative colitis is or how bad it can ruin someone’s life. This will be a very long blog as if I am going to write this and be one hundred per cent honest I'm not going to leave anything out. This is a view from a suffers point of view. So this page is basically me and my colitis in my own words:
Tuesday, 1 December 2015
November Favourites | 2015
Hello beautiful's! December already - I can't believe it. This year has gone so quickly, and this will officially be my last Monthly Favourites blog post for 2015 and my next one will be in 2016. That is crazy to think about! I only have five beauty favourites this month and I'm not going to include personal favourites this month as they will be included in another blog post coming up soon, but for now these are my November Favourites...
Sunday, 29 November 2015
Sweater Weather | Tag
Hello beautiful's! Thank you so much to everyone who tagged me in this tag. I was tagged in this last year and I am only now getting around to doing it, so I am sorry it's taken me so long to do and I hope it was worth the wait for the people who have tagged me in it over the past year or so.
Friday, 27 November 2015
Taylor's Park | Out Day Out
Hello beautiful's! If you follow my instgram when you may already know how much I love Taylor's Park but I thought I would do a blog post and let you all know how much I love this place already and why you (if about the North West area) really should make the trip to visit and have an afternoon or evening out in this park.
Phil and me have drove past this park so many times and never stopped to go in but a months weeks back we have a free evening and it was a beautiful sunny day so we took a little trip there to have a check out of it. Since then we have been back to visit this place so many times - it's just so beautiful, clean and relaxing. Warning: This is a massive blog post as I wanted to explain the park in such great details.
Phil and me have drove past this park so many times and never stopped to go in but a months weeks back we have a free evening and it was a beautiful sunny day so we took a little trip there to have a check out of it. Since then we have been back to visit this place so many times - it's just so beautiful, clean and relaxing. Warning: This is a massive blog post as I wanted to explain the park in such great details.
Wednesday, 25 November 2015
SASS Intimate Purifying Cleanser | Review
Hello beautiful's! This weeks review is going to be on the SASS Intimate Purifying Cleanser which I received in one of my Glossy Box's months ago now. But I wanted to do a review on this product as I hadn't heard from them before and also because I love it so much! RRP at £7 for a 100ml bottle, this stuff really does smell and feel so amazing on my skin.
Friday, 20 November 2015
5 Facts About Me | Tag
Hello beautiful's! I have been tagged in this tag so many times so I thought I better get around to doing it. Thank you to everyone who did take the time to tag me in this tag and I hope you all enjoy reading it.
Wednesday, 18 November 2015
Garnier Skin Naturals Micellar Cleansing Water | Review
Hello beautiful! This weeks review is going to be on the Garnier Skin Naturals Micellar Cleansing Water which I have been using now for months. It's priced at £4.99 in Boots Stores or on Boots Online and is one of the best beauty products I have ever used. So when I was asked by Boots to do a review on this product, I was so excited!
Sunday, 15 November 2015
Autumn Amazon Look Book
Hello beautiful's! If you've been following me for a while you'll know how much I love buying things from Amazon Online, I buy everything from there. I really do think it's a great website and its an awesome way of saving money too as you can find a lot more things cheaper on Amazon than in high street stores.
I was put to the test of creating an Autumn Amazon Look Book for five autumn looks and this is what I came up with. All of these looks I would wear myself and have even bought some of these to wear too.
I was put to the test of creating an Autumn Amazon Look Book for five autumn looks and this is what I came up with. All of these looks I would wear myself and have even bought some of these to wear too.
I love the lace, I love the shabby chic looking tights, I love the studs on the ballet flats, I love the owls. The only problem I have with this is that I can't wear normal ear rings and have to buy clip ons, but thankfully these owl earrings come in clip on versions too.
This look is my favourite, this is all me. Skater skirts, gothic style purse, bobble hats; I am buying this whole outfit as I really do love it all so much. I think the red converse really do just make the whole outfit complete.
This is my second favourite look. As you may tell already for me accessories in autumn time are all about the red detail. I really, really love the vintage gothic choker with this outfit and the pattern on the skinny jeans just makes the whole thing look so girly and beautiful.
I thought I would change the red up with this and put in a more pastel tone so what better than my favourite colour of pink? I love these boots (I have boots really similar that I wear so much) and the rose design on the skull jumper just makes this whole outfit girly-gothic. Also, who doesn't love this Game of Thrones bag? Amazing.
This is my more grown-up kind of look. Although the black heels don't come with anything shown on this picture I wanted to keep them to give you all an idea of how you could wear heels with this outfit for more of a evening or night time look, and the beautiful riding boots as more of a shopping day or park day autumn look. I want to add that I own this bag in white and I was very surprised at how small it actually is inside, there isn't much room inside so don't let the picture fool you.
Friday, 13 November 2015
BIG Autumn Haul [Part 2]
Hello beautiful! This is part two of my BIG Autumn Haul blog posts, if you've missed part one go have a look at last Friday's blog post to see part one of my BIG Autumn Haul. This one is all to do with beauty, make up, nail and hair products. This is my BIG Autumn Haul Part 2:
Wednesday, 11 November 2015
Chanel Lipstick Rouge Coco | Review
Hello beautiful! Today's blog post is going to be a review on the Chanel Rouge Coco Ultra Hydrating Lip Colour in shade Adrienne. Priced at £26.00 this lip colour is so beautiful and soft on my lips, this really has to be one of my favourite lip sticks of all time.
Sunday, 8 November 2015
#LPLBlogEvent: The Event | Blog Event
Hello beautiful's! Today's blog post is going to be all about the amazing day I had on Saturday 7th November 2015 at the Liverpool Blog Event which was organised by the beautiful Jenny Dawson who's blog you can view by clicking here.
Top Five Autumn Favourites
Helo my lovelies! I have been asked to do a blog post on my top five things I love about autumn time, I am so sorry to the three people who asked me to do this blog post as I really can't remember who you are.
Friday, 6 November 2015
BIG Autumn Haul [Part 1]
Hello beautifuls! It's autumn time, the air is crisp, what better time to wrap up warm and spent the time shopping? This blog post (as you know from the title, duh) is going to be a BIG Autumn Haul. A lot of bloggers and vloggers have been doing these last month and this month which I've found odd (is it just me?) but they have been lovely to read and watch and see what you all have been buying.
I didn't buy all of this stuff in one shop, these have been from several shopping trips and have all been (other than the home décor) inside the (now ripped) Primark bag sitting in my make up room. This blog post is being split into two blog posts as one is more fashion and home décor related and one is more beauty related so don't forget to come back and check out part two next Friday.
This is my BIG Autumn Haul Part 1:
I didn't buy all of this stuff in one shop, these have been from several shopping trips and have all been (other than the home décor) inside the (now ripped) Primark bag sitting in my make up room. This blog post is being split into two blog posts as one is more fashion and home décor related and one is more beauty related so don't forget to come back and check out part two next Friday.
This is my BIG Autumn Haul Part 1:
Wednesday, 4 November 2015
Barry M Waterproof Eye Liner | Review
Hello beautiful! I honestly feel like I haven't done a review in ages, how odd. This weeks review is going to be on the Barry M Waterproof Eye Liner. These luxurious eye liners apply as smoothly as a liquid with the precision of a pencil. They are waterproof and super long lasting with more than 8 hours wear!
Sunday, 1 November 2015
October Favourites | 2015
Hello beautiful's! I know I probably say this every month but I really can't believe that it's October already! It's shocking how quick this year is going.. it's going to be Christmas soon! I love October, not just because of Halloween time, but because of the colours in the leaves, the change in the air, the television programmes with cosy nights in, and the food that comes back; the spices mainly.
I will be completely honest a lot of my October favourites are things I have coming up in a BIG Autumn Haul blog post this month, so I won't be saying too much about them in detail in this blog post so a lot of this will be mini reviews of these products.
I will be completely honest a lot of my October favourites are things I have coming up in a BIG Autumn Haul blog post this month, so I won't be saying too much about them in detail in this blog post so a lot of this will be mini reviews of these products.
Saturday, 31 October 2015
Thursday, 29 October 2015
Halloween Home Décor | 2015
Hello beautiful's! As promised here are some pictures of our Halloween Home Décor in our lovely home for this Halloween time. I hope you all enjoy this blog post!
Wednesday, 28 October 2015
My Halloween Nails
Hello beautiful's! I need your help - I want to do my nails in a spooky Halloween look this year and can't decide on which ones. Help me pick? All nail polish in this blog was by Barry M. Leave a comment below or tweet me and let me know which nail design you think I should wear on Halloween this year?
With love, Alisha Valerie. x
Tuesday, 27 October 2015
Pumpkin & Papaya Face Mask | DIY
Hello!! This is going to be a really quick and easy DIY blog post that is perfect for October time. Werther, you're at home on your own, or having a night in with friends or family - this is a perfect little homemade a relaxing face mask.
Sunday, 25 October 2015
Happy Halloween with AlishaValerie & Morphilms | Tag
Hello! Halloween is only six days away - we're so excited!! Phil and me have both been tagged in the Halloween Tag so that is going to be today's blog post for you all. We hope you all enjoy reading it and getting to know us both a little bit more.
Friday, 23 October 2015
Halloween Mummy Jars | DIY
Hello beautiful's! This is going to be another really easy DIY blog post on how to make Halloween mummy jars!!
Monday, 19 October 2015
Halloween Haul
Hello beautiful's! I wanted to show you some pictures of what I have bought for Halloween this year to make my home all spooky and fabulous.
Sunday, 18 October 2015
The Shopaholic | Tag
Hello! I've been tagged in the Shopaholic tag and I know I'm late on the wagon with this one so I am really sorry but I hope you all enjoy reading it and getting to know me that little bit more..
Friday, 16 October 2015
Homemade Dry Lips Care | DIY
Hello beautiful's! Now that the weather is getting colder, it's not just our skin that needs some extra loving - it's our lips too! I don't know about anyone else but my lips get so dry and sore in the winter that it's a horrid look and feeling. These are my very easy and cheap top three tips on how to keep your lips soft and unchapped this autumn and winter from things you have in your kitchen at home.
Wednesday, 14 October 2015
Rimmel London 2-in-1 Match Perfect Illuminating Concealer & Highlighter | Review
Hello beautiful's! Today's blog is going to be a review of the Rimmel London 2-in-1 Match Perfect Illuminating Concealer & Highlighter, but obviously, you knew that by the title. I wanted to do a review on this as it's such good quality and so cheap too! I discovered this a couple of months ago and I now wear it nearly every single time I do my make up, and I have noticed that other concealers do not compare to this one. I don't really like wearing this as a highlighter for my upper cheekbones but I do really love using it on the sides of my nose, my under eyes, my chin, and on any spots here and there on my face.
Monday, 12 October 2015
My Favourite Places To Go In Liverpool
Hello beautiful's! I am doing this blog post for a few reasons; 1. A lot of my American, Australian and other Europian readers keep asking me what is Liverpool as on twitter I am always tweeting saying Phil and I are going to Liverpool, and 2. I want to tell you a bit about where I am from so you can get to know me that little bit more. Although I now live in Prescot, I was born in Liverpool and it truly is a wonderful place to be brought up as a child.
Sunday, 11 October 2015
17 Facts About Me | Tag
Hello darling! I've been tagged in the "17 Facts About Me Tag", thank you to the people who did tag me. I hope you enjoy reading this blog post.
Saturday, 10 October 2015
Blogger of the Month | Fleur De Force
Hello beautiful's! This months Blogger of the Month is the beautiful Fleur De Force. I've been a fan of Fleur for years, ever since she was making videos in the spare bedroom of her then house, and I just think she is a beautiful awesome woman.
Friday, 9 October 2015
How To: Clean Your Makeup Brushes | DIY
Hello my lovelies! I've been asked so many times how I clean my make up brushes and make them all pretty again. I know there are a lot of blog posts and videos out there on how to clean your make up brushes but this has been requested by a lot of you so here it is:
Wednesday, 7 October 2015
Aveeno Moisturising Hand Cream | Review
AD | Hello beautiful's! Just like the title says, obviously, today's blog post is going to be a review on Aveeno Moisturising Hand Cream. Aveeno got in touch with me a little while ago and asked me to sample some of there products encase I would like to do some reviews on them.
Monday, 5 October 2015
Hello beautiful's! I wanted to make a blog post and tell you all about something that doesn't get mentioned much by bloggers but is so important in every day life. This blog post is going to be super long so I would suggest getting comfortable and getting yourself a warm drink or small snack but please do not let the fact that it is long put you off reading it as it will really help you understand Aromatherapy a lot better.
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