Wednesday, 31 August 2016

The Fairy Tale | Tag

I've seen this tag going around for ages now and hadn't got around to doing it until now! If you know me well, you'll know how much I love anything fairy tale like so this really does have to be one of my favourite tags out there. 

Monday, 29 August 2016

Draw My Life

This blog post is going to be my highly requested "Draw My Life". I want to warn you now that it's super, super long so go grab yourself a warm drink and get comfortable.

Saturday, 27 August 2016

My Favourite Video Games

People are shocked or giggle sometimes when I tell them that I love playing video games, I think it's because I seem so much of a girly girl. I wanted to let my geek side out on a blog post and share with you all some of my favourite video games of all time. These are in no order at all... 

Thursday, 25 August 2016

My Summer Morning Routine | 2016

It's been requested from a few readers for me to do a blog post on My Summer Morning Routine so that's what I'm going to share with you all today. For the people who have requested it, I'm super sorry that this blog post has taken me ages to get around to doing but I do hope that you enjoy reading it.

Saturday, 13 August 2016

A New Start.

Today is Wednesday 3rd August 2016 so I'm obviously writing this post about a week or so early to when it's going to be going live on my blog but I wanted to talk about fresh beginnings and new starts.

Thursday, 11 August 2016

Prevent Travel Sickness | Pet Care

Hello lovelies! I was asked by Pets at Home* to share some tips on how to prevent travel sickness for animals this summer, so that is going to be what today's blog post is going to be all about. These tips are so helpful and work really great!

Monday, 8 August 2016

Cruelty Free Beauty.

Are you wearing a murdered animal on your face or body today?

A lot of people won't bother reading this blog post because they will think "oh I don't want to know, I'm already an animal lover" or something like that and won't click to read more because they are scared to and then they will go pat their dog or stroke their cat, or top up their lipstick which an animal has lost their life for.

Saturday, 6 August 2016

Vintage on The Docks

I was recently asked to go along to an event being held on the Albert Docks in Liverpool, on Saturday 9th and Sunday 10th July. If you haven't heard of the event already, Vintage on The Docks, is a celebration of 20th Century vintage cool, by designers Wayne and Gerardine Hemingway MBE and is an event not to be missed! 

Thursday, 4 August 2016

I'm Thankful.

As I put a giveaway up on the first of the month and no monthly favourites I thought I would explain why. I have been on bed rest for most of the month and been planning the #LPPevent, I haven't really had any favourites this month. So instead, I thought I would just give you all a little personal life update instead. 

Monday, 1 August 2016

Kiehl's Giveaway!

I won a £50+ Kiehl's beauty hamper on the raffle at #LPPevent and since I love my readers and followers so much I am going to give the whole thing away to one of you.