Monday, 17 February 2020

How To Email Like A Blogger Girl Boss

(picture credit:

AD | Hello my lovelies, happy Monday! Being a blogger/social media influencer, I receive a lot of emails on a regular basis and sometimes it be really polite to email your replies in certain ways, so I wanted to help others in doing so and hopefully learn some of you a trick or two on of some of the ways I have picked up on how to email brands like a girl boss so I really hope that some of these really help you all out when getting stuck with an email.

Everyone gets overwhelmed sometimes and it can take a little while to reply to all emails and have a clear inbox...
✖️ Sorry for the delay.
✔️ Thank you so much for your patience.

You want to work with this brand/company but you're really busy right now with other commitments on your website...
✖️ What works best for you?
✔️ Could you please do ___?

You're thanking them for their time...
✖️ No problem, thanks!
✔️ You're more than welcome, always happy to help!

You're working with a brand and have struck to a halt, but have an idea to pitch to them...
✖️ I think maybe we should ___.
✔️ It'd be best if we ___.

Working an email can sometimes be really hard work, as you may sound like you have no clue what you're doing or you're rambling.
✖️ *re-write email tons of times over an hour*
✔️ It'd be easier to discuss this in person/on a web-call/on the phone. When are you available?

You're sent a complicated email and after reading it back, it doesn't make sense to you anymore.
✖️ Hopefully, that makes sense to you?
✔️ Please, let me know if you have any questions.

A brand/company has been in touch with you and seem really keen on working with you but now have been quiet and not replied to your email. But, you want to email them back to make sure they got your first email reply...
✖️ Just wanted to check in and see if you got my reply?
✔️ Would it be possible to have an update from you please regarding my latest reply?

Made a mistake and forgot to include something in your email and now you look like you don't have what you're doing and feel really unprofessional?
✖️ Ahh sorry, my bad! I forgot to do that.
✔️ Thank you so much for the update, I do apologise. File now attached. Thank you so much for letting me know!

Got an appointment planned with a brand/company but now an appointment has come up all of a sudden and you need to re-arrange...
✖️ Could I possibly leave early?
✔️ I've had a personal appointment to attend at ___ that has come up suddenly. As this will cut out meeting short, would you like to rearrange?

Attended an event and loved it so want to be included in the future?
✖️ Thanks for the tickets! Would love to work with you again?
✔️ Thank you so much for getting in touch with me about the ___ event, I really enjoyed myself! I'd love to be considered for future events in the near future, please keep me in mind? (Include any pictures or videos from the event which you have taken, and let them know when the article will be upon your website)

A top brand has sent you some awesome looking products but you haven't managed to review them yet as life has been hectic, now it's been two weeks and the brand wants to know when the article will be live on your website?
✖️ So sorry, it will be up soon.
✔️ I do apologise. The article featuring your products will be up on ___ at ___. Would you like me to email you the direct link to my website when it's live?

Have an online meeting you're running late?
✖️ Sorry, I'm late, (explain what happened)...
✔️ I'm so sorry I am late, thank you so much for waiting for me.

Made a mistake in an article and the brand has emailed you about it?
✖️ Sorry, will change that!
✔️ Thank you so much for noticing, I'll change that right away!

With love, Alisha Valerie. x


  1. Such great tips! Sometimes I get so overwhelmed, so things like this are really helpful and stop me getting too anxious when I've messed up xo

    Makeup Muddle

  2. These are such amazing tips! I'll definitely be keeping these in mind next time I send a blogging email x

  3. I'm saving this post, these are very sensible and helpful ideas. Thanks for sharing them,

  4. Omg sometimes I'm so awkward, I just don't know what to say so thank you for the advice! I'm saving this blog post to my favourites.

    Kate |

  5. These are amazing tips! I used to be really bad with communicating with brands via email as it can be so tricky to know what to say x

  6. Great tips. I’m terrible with emails. Great to have something to reference 😊

  7. Tact works wonders, doesn't it? Bookmarking this post for future reference.

  8. Wow great tips! In such a people pleaser I'm always saying sorry for no reason or faffing around the point. These are great!

  9. These are so helpful thank you so much for sharing!

  10. Thank you for providing this wonderful advice in this easy-to-read format! I've been struggling with sending emails to my subscribers lately and I appreciate all the advice I can find :)

  11. Affluent Living Inc19 February 2020 at 19:20

    These are very helpful suggestions, will keep your blog in mind for when I need them next time!

  12. This is such a helpful post Alisha! x

    Lucy |

  13. This is SO helpful! I definitely needed a post like this, thank you :) x

  14. Great tips. I need to bookmark these and use them soon for any replies I might need help with!

  15. These are some great tips. It can sometimes be really hard to walk the line between pofessional and sounding pretensious, but these responces works well. Thanks for sharing.

  16. Thank you for these tips. This will prepare me in the future when I hopefully get to work with brands. For now this will help me in my current where I am constantly sending out emails and in situations where I realised I had to work in my social skills lol thank you for this post!


  17. Very helpful post thankyou so much!! I've definitely said the wrong thing a few times!! Xx

  18. Really great tips for email. Thanks for sharing!

  19. These are all such great tips! I definitely get overwhelmed with my emails sometimes when I have a lot of collaborations going on at once. I will have to implement some of these strategies for the next time I am feeling that way.

  20. This is absolutely brilliant! I have a horrible tendency to over-apologize in emails, even professional ones. This is a great way to communicate politely and professionally, while still maintaining your own level of professionalism and self worth. Again, great list!

  21. Some amazing tips here my lovely!!

    Love, Amie ❤
    The Curvaceous Vegan

  22. These are amazing tips, I need to start using these!

  23. Great tips for reframing email responses. Thank you.

  24. these are some amazing tips!!!!

  25. I really like how positive you have made each response! I am definitely saving this article for the future.

    - Ashiana (

  26. Soo many brilliant tips that are real world situations!

  27. Great tips thank you for sharing!

  28. These are really helpful tips! Now I just have to find the confidence to email a brand! xD

    Daisy xoxo | TheDeeWhoLived
