Monday, 29 October 2018

Worlds Apart | Morphilms Blogs

Worlds Apart is my favourite stores in Liverpool, and when I received a £30 gift voucher to spend in the store I was so happy! I thought I would share a blog about some of my reasons why I love the store and share with you all what I picked up with my voucher.

Monday, 22 October 2018

Tom Slemen Haunted Liverpool | Book Review

I first became interested in Tom Slemen's work when I was in high school, my class was given a task by our creative writing teacher to pick a book from the library to review. Most of my classmates picked books that were about romance, autobiographies or plays like Romeo and Juliet or Blood Brothers, I wanted something different so after spending over an hour looking for a book to fall in love with I came across a book by an author called Tom Slemen's which was called "Haunted Liverpool". Since reading that very first book over ten years ago I have fallen in love with all of Tom's books and since it's October I thought I would share my reasons why with you all.

Monday, 15 October 2018

Happy Halloween with Morphilms | TAG

Halloween is literally nearly here, words cannot express how much I adore celebrating this holiday, so in true blogger fashion I thought that my husband Morphilms and I would share with you a Halloween themed tag which we were tagged in last year and never got around to doing. Hope you all enjoy!

Wednesday, 10 October 2018

Far Cry Review | Morphilms Blogs

A couple of months ago the wonderful people at Amazon Prime* sent my husband Phil a new game to test out and review for free, here are his thoughts on Far Cry 5*!

Monday, 8 October 2018

Things To Include in Your Media Kit

AD | Hello my lovelies! If you follow me on twitter already know you'll have seen my media kit being posted to brands and networking hashtags etc but I wanted to make a blog post to talk about why I have a media kit and what I think every blogger needs to include in theirs.

Thursday, 4 October 2018

Autumn Vegan Festivals | Guest Post

Festivals to Get You Inspired this Autumn from Vegan Events UK

There’s an exciting array of inspiring vegan festivals happening across the UK this autumn, including Christmas Festivals, organised by Vegan Events UK. And with an estimated 3.5 million people, and rising, in the UK identifying themselves as vegan, there’s never been a better time to find out more about this growing lifestyle choice.

Monday, 1 October 2018

Hello October | 2018

How are we already in October this year? It feels like Christmas 2017 was only yesterday! September has been a hard long month and my little bit of light at the end of the dark tunnel I was in for months dimmed out and it still felt like I was in there, even now, my mental health has been affected quite badly last month too but I have decided that I'm going to be brave and share what's been happening with everyone.