Sunday, 30 August 2015

Sisterhood of The World Bloggers | Tag

The beautiful Charlotte tagged me in this blog post so firstly I would like to say thank you to her for doing so and say I'm sorry to hear for me taking so long to do it.

Friday, 14 August 2015

30 Beauty Questions | Tag

Thank you to everyone who tagged me in this tag, sorry it's taken me months to get around to doing it and posting it.

Thursday, 13 August 2015

Riemann P20 Sun Protection with SPF50 and Sunscreen | Review

AD | I wanted to do a review on this product has I've had a lot of people online (either in twitter or tumblr chats, or people messaging me) asking me what is the best sun cream protection in my opinion, and whenever I use sun cream this is my number one product I go to. 

I've been using this product for about three to four months now, and I have honestly never had a sun cream protection product as good as Riemann P20 Once a Day 10 Hours Protection with SPF50 and Sunscreen. 

Wednesday, 12 August 2015

Make Your Lipstick Last | DIY

I get asked all the time how I make my lipstick last so long so I thought I would do a little blog post DIY on my ways that I make my lipstick last. 

Tuesday, 11 August 2015

TMI Q&A! [Part 1]

I done one of these blog posts on my own blog a really long time ago (almost three years ago) as I kept getting the more intimate personal questions from people, and to be honest I've always got them type of questions but I've never included them in a Q&A since then because, well you don't really want the question of public hair right after a question like "what is your favourite lip gloss?" if you know what I mean.

This blog post is part one of a two parter. Also, this blog post is going to be all a little too much information so if you don't like these type of personal blog posts I would suggest not reading this one. Every single one of these questions have been sent to me by followers and readers of my blog so thank you to everyone who sent them in. 

Monday, 10 August 2015

Maybelline New York 'Super Stay 24hour colour' | Review

I love Summer time! The sun is out, the birds are singing, so many brands are bring out new and exciting ranges and products and everyone is always in a good mood.

The only problem I have about Summer time is finding great products for keeping my lips soft and smooth. I get such dry skin and lips in the autumn and winter times that once Spring and Summer comes around I need to find great lip products to re-vamp my dry horrible self - and that can be such hard work! But this year has been different, I am in love with these two products that I bought them twice more and matched the shades up so well! 

Sunday, 9 August 2015

Croxteth Hall, Farm & Park | Out Day Out

I’m not going to lie, I have been to Croxteth Park a lot of times growing up as I didn’t live far from here but I’ve never really spent a whole day here experiencing everything it has to offer. Phil was off work for the Bank Holiday and although we did originally plan to go and see the three ships (Queen Mary 2, Queen Elizabeth 2 and Queen Victoria 2) which are in Liverpool at the moment, we changed our minds the night before and made a new plan. 

It's been a couple of months now since we actually visited the place (we visited on Monday 25th May 2015) but I wanted to share this blog post again on this blog as we really did have a great day. 

Saturday, 8 August 2015

Monthly Favourites | July 2015

I cannot believe it's already August, which means there is only 21 more Friday's until Christmas day!! I hope you've all had a wonderful summer so far, even though the weather has been so terrible here in the UK; rain, dull, cloudy weather is no good for summer really. 

This past week has been awesome, if you don't know already (don't know how unless you've been living under a rock as I've gone on about it so much now) it was my birthday on July 31st so I've had a really great weekend celebrating that, so obviously that is my first big monthly favourite but here's the rest of what I've been loving this month.. 

Friday, 7 August 2015

My Birthday Celebrations | 2015

I hope you're all doing wonderful and are enjoying this summer, even though it's very little sunshine we are having here in England. I've been asked by a few people to put some pictures up on my blog of my birthday weekend. 

Thursday, 6 August 2015

Thank You So Much!

This is just a really short blog where I want to say a massive thank you to everyone who wishes me birthday wishes, thank you to everyone who send me cards, presents and money, and most importantly thank you to my amazing husband who made my weekend so special as usual.

I had a wonderful day on Friday 31st July. I got up and dressed and ready then went downstairs to open my presents, then Phil and me went to my grandparents home and my grandfather cooked us a lovely full English birthday breakfast, and then I went to my parents house (I only seen my mum as my dad and brother were both in work) and then Phil and me came home and then just chilled for the afternoon which was all I wanted to do as most days in my life something is happening and its always busy. Friday night Phil cooked us a lovely meal of Chinese chicken with lettuce salad, which was so yummy, and we had a lovely quiet romantic night in.

Saturday morning Phil woke up and got us both a McDonalds breakfast and then we got ready and went to my parents house for my vintage shabby chic Alice in Wonderland themed birthday party. We all ate so much food and shared and made so many lovely memories - it really was perfect. If you follow me on instagram or twitter you will be able to see all of the pictures from the party and the whole weekend.

I hope you have all had a wonderful day, and again thank you so much to everyone who wishes me a happy birthday - I love you all so much for taking the time to do that!

With love, Alisha Valerie. x

Wednesday, 5 August 2015

Birthday Questions | Tag

If you don't know already my birthday was yesterday and I was tagged in the birthday questions tag, but I wanted to wait until after my birthday to do this blog post.