Friday, 28 February 2020

Twelve Small Ways To Simplify Your Life

Hello my lovelies, happy Friday, I hope you're all having a wonderful start to your weekend! I wanted to share some of the minimalistic things I have done in my life which really has helped me be calmer, happier and feel so much more positive.

Monday, 24 February 2020

What I'm Burning Lately | February 2020

AD | Hello my lovelies, happy Monday, I really hope you're all having a wonderful start to your week! I'm sharing with you lovely lot another article about what I'm been burning lately in our home and why I think you need to get your hands on this gorgeous candle...

Friday, 21 February 2020

Three Habits I'm Quitting To Feel Happier

AD | Hello my lovelies, happy Friday, I hope you're all having a wonderful start to your weekend!  I made a promise with myself at the start of the year that I was going to make some small changes to my daily habits to help me stay focused on the more positive and better things happening in my life. I want to spend my days in calmness, happiness and living my best life again, as my spark has sort of slowly started going out over the past few years and I want that brightness back. So, I'm making changes...

Monday, 17 February 2020

How To Email Like A Blogger Girl Boss

(picture credit:

AD | Hello my lovelies, happy Monday! Being a blogger/social media influencer, I receive a lot of emails on a regular basis and sometimes it be really polite to email your replies in certain ways, so I wanted to help others in doing so and hopefully learn some of you a trick or two on of some of the ways I have picked up on how to email brands like a girl boss so I really hope that some of these really help you all out when getting stuck with an email.

Wednesday, 12 February 2020

Free Valentines Day Date Ideas

Hello my lovelies, happy Wednesday! Valentines Day is just days away and if you're wanting to spend some time with your loved one but don't have much money to do so, then I've put together a small list of date ideas that won't cost you a penny!

Tuesday, 11 February 2020

Whatever Name You Call It, Let's Talk About It More...

AD | Hello my lovelies, happy Tuesday! I'm going to be opening up a little bit about a personal part of my life in today's article so I wanted to just say a small disclaimer that this post will contain speaking about sex and maybe a couple of other "naughty things" so if you're under the age of legally being able to have sex then please skip this article or get your parent or guardians permission.

Monday, 10 February 2020

Ultimate Valentines Day Gift Guide | 2020

AD | Hello my lovelies, happy Monday! Valentines Day is only four days away and if you're wondering what to get that special someone in your life or maybe you're single and you just want to treat yourself then look no further because with the help of some amazing brands I've put together a fabulous Valentines Day Gift Guide...

Monday, 3 February 2020

My Valentines Day Makeup Look | 2020

AD | Hello my lovelies, happy Monday! I'm collaborating with one of my favourites ever brands Revolution Beauty* on today's article and I've put this Valentines Day post up a little early but I wanted to make sure that you all have time to go online and order these gorgeous products I've used.

Saturday, 1 February 2020

Hello February | 2020

AD | Hello my lovelies, happy Imbolc, happy Saturday and a very happy February to you all. How are we even in the second month of 2020 already? If your January or start to the year wasn't great don't give up already, start again this month and make your new year an amazing one to remember. Here's what I got up to last month...