Monday 30 November 2020

Have You Heard of The Pillow Method?

AD | Hello my lovelies, happy Monday, I hope that you're all having a really wonderful day so far. Sleep is so important and getting a good nights sleep can change your whole mood and outlook for the next day. But, have you heard of the pillow method? 

The idea is to write your affirmation down on a piece of paper and place it underneath your pillow before you fall asleep. There are three reasons why this technique is so effective:

| x | It helps you rewire subconscious thought patterns as you sleep.

| x | Allows your last thoughts of the day to be positive. This has a positive effect on your dream state which you can carry through to the next morning.

| x | As you fall asleep you maintain the intention while "letting go" of any resistance that might be interfering with the manifestation of your desire.

The moment you fall asleep and the time you wake up are the two most important parts of your day, it's important to set the right intention to avoid negative thinking and unwanted thoughts.

Is this something you would try? I'd love to know your thoughts and views on this pillow method so please leave me a little comment of love on one of my social media pages? I'm sending you all of my love for a wonderful, happy and positive day!

With love, Alisha Valerie. x