Tuesday, 5 July 2016

My Birthday Wishlist

Hello beautiful's,

You may remember last year I done a "Birthday Wishlist" blog post, and this year I'm going to do the same. This is not in any way, shape, or form me asking for anyone to buy or send me presents or things for my birthday, these are just things I would buy myself for my birthday if I could.

These are in no order whatsoever! 
These items are all from my amazon wishlist so I have linked them to amazon so you can check them out and possibly add them to your wish lists if you have an amazon account. 

If you don't know already I'm a WWE fan (obviously otherwise I wouldn't want this tee) and Paige is one of my favourites. I really want this in a size XL so that I can wear it as a big over sized top.

One of my favourite smells is lemon, I just love how fresh, bright and Spring/Summer like it is. I used to own little lemon tea lights which smelt amazing but I ended up burning them all so quickly so I'd love an actual lemon candle in a jar which wouldn't burn out so quick. I love Yankee Candles anyway, and I love Cotton Candy so when I see that this candle was out I really wanted it. Plus it's pink and we all know how much I love the colour pink.

I loved FleurDeForce's Glam Guide book which she brought out last year so I was really excited when she announced that she is bringing another book out on 28th July 2016. I haven't got around to trying out any of her make up collection she brought out yet either so that is a must do soon for me too.

I've wanted this for so, so long and I always put off buying myself it due to the fact of spending my money on make up or beauty items. It's been featured on so many wishlists including my "Spring Home Wishlist".I'd love it if I received this for my birthday - I really would be over the moon!

I have been a fan of John Constantine for about six or seven years now and I'm not talking about John Constantine as in the Keanu Reeves movie or the TV show, but I'm talking about the Hellblazer Constantie graphic novels. They are some of my favourite graphic novels to read ever, and since Phil and me seem to collect figures I'd love a Hellblazer Constantine one!

Everyone knows how much I love my bubble baths! The Body Shop and Radox do some amazing things for your bath time and I really think both brands are highly underrated! I've tried the Radox Foaming Bath Moisture Soak a couple of times and adore it but I've never tried The Body Shop's Wild Argan Oil Bubbling Bath so I'd love to give that a go.

I never ever swear on blog posts, but come on.. Jeffree fucking Star has a eye shadow palette out and it's fucking beautiful. I think Jeffree Star is amazing anyway but when I seen on his snapchat that he was bringing an eye shadow palette out, I couldn't contain my excitement! I need this palette in my life... SO BAD!

I'd also be happy with anything at all from My Amazon Beauty Wishlist too!

Note to family and friends who read my blog: If you really insist on buying me a present for my birthday this year please do not give me money as I will probably spend it on stuff I don't actually need, but please do buy me something from either this birthday wish list or beauty wish list on amazon as I know I will actually use these things. Even though I am always really grateful for whatever it is I receive as a present, it's not fun when you receive a present and then end up putting it in a draw or cupboard for months because you know that you won't use it but can't bring yourself to throw it away because someone bought it for you. Please remember I am allergic to lavender, tea tree and blackcurrant! 

Again I want to state - this is not in any way, shape, or form me asking for anyone to buy or send me presents or things for my birthday, these are just things I would buy myself for my birthday if I could.

With love,
Alisha Valerie. x

[Disclaimer: Thank you so much to Amazon for sponsoring me for this blog post. All comments and opinions are my own.]


  1. Hope you get all of these for your birthday :) I like Fleur as well and would love to read her books. A lot of the Yankee candle scents smell so yummy, my favorite candle store is Bath and Body works from the U.S. Do you have that store here in England?

    1. Thanks so much babe for a lovely comment. I don't think we do have Bath & Body Works in the UK sadly, I've heard so much about the brand though! I'd love to try some of their stuff! 💕

  2. That Palette is on my Wishlist too!! Hope you get them all :o).


    1. It looks amazing doesn't it? I really wanna get it and play with it! Hope you get it too babe 💕💕
