Thursday, 8 September 2016

My Guide To Healthy Eating

I think everyone knows now that I'm a member of Slimming World, but what some of you may not know is that I turned veggie a couple of months back. I've been given a lot of crap for this, with people saying that the only reason I turned veggie is to loose weight because Slimming World hadn't worked for me etc. This is all false. I wanted to do this blog post to explain more...

I even had a 12 year old girl message me privately on tumblr asking me for advice and telling me that she had cut meat out too thinking it would get her to loose weight quicker. This won't happen, and I was shocked that from me becoming a veggie this was the message I was putting across because I really didn't want that.

Don't eat less. If you miss breakfast, or starve yourself, you will give in to junk food). Pack as much fruit and veg into your diet as you can, so there is no room for bad things. Make pre-meals, and veggie-filled salads and soups, swap crisps for carrot sticks dipped in tzatziki sauces and cake for low-fat Greek yogurt with fruit for dessert.

There's no hard-and-fast routine to a super-fit body. If you want to see a real difference in your body then you really do need to put the effort in, and work out at least two to three times a week. Start with something you enjoy, maybe walking, running, or simply going to the gym and listening to music. It really does pay off.

Find a photograph that you don't like looking at of yourself, because that really will be your biggest motivation. Stick it on your fridge or cupboard or somewhere that you can see it every day so when you're having bad days you won't give into the junk food. They really will be your biggest motivation.

I hope some of these tips really hope you all out like they have done for me, remember there is nothing wrong with who you are and don't ever let anyone else ever tell you how to be. Your body, your rules - these are just my personal guide lines. I really hope you all have a wonderful day!

With love, Alisha Valerie. x


  1. Fab tips lovely! I have succumbed to junk food at the moment because we're all ill so it's all ready made meals and the such. But hopefully next week I'm going to be throwing all the veggies back in to the diet again. I could never understand Slimming World if I'm honest! x

    1. I really hope you all feel better soon lovely! I was like that when I start started Slimming World but it is actually really easy to understand when you get the hang of it. xoxo
