Saturday, 19 November 2016

Make The Change | Chasing Ice.

In late September this year I was contacted by a company asking if I would review a documentary and give them my feedback and I was a little, I can't even think of a word to be honest, but I was very tempted to say "thank you for the offer but it doesn't really match my blog" etc but then I saw this photo on instagram and thought "I'm gonna watch this and see what I think" of it because that picture is just shocking. So on October 5th I snuggled up on a cold autumn morning and was completely shocked at what I watched and I'm not afraid to say, it scared the hell out of me.

Now when I say this I am not bragging at all, by no means whatsoever am I bragged or showing off but usually my blog posts are filled up three months in advance; by advertising blog posts or by blog posts people have requested or even by tags people have tagged me in etc. But lucky for me, the company which I was supposed to be working on for this blog post you are reading today actually sent me a product which was tested on animals so I couldn't use it obviously and I had a gap to fill in my blog. So on said cold crisp morning last month I settled down and turned on this documentary and within minutes of finishing it, I'm not sat at my laptop with a cup of tea cooling by my side trying to think of the words to even describe what I have just watched. 

Global Warming. Them two words basically sum up what I have just watched. 
But really; what is Global Warming? Can we stop Global Warming? Is there even actually proper proof that Global Warming exists today? 

"Chasing Ice" is a 2012 award winning documentary which can answer all of these questions and more by Jeff Orlowski, which features James Balog. James is a scientist, adventurer and president and founder of the Colorado-based Extreme Ice Survey and Earth Vision Institute. Not only does the documentary explain everything in detail to you but it actually shows you solid proof that this earth we live on is changing, and the sights are not pretty. 

After watching Chasing Ice I wanted to know more about what I can do to change my everyday life to help save this planet. So I done a small amount of research and it took me to this website page, where it showed me some of the things I can do to help. Thankfully I was happy to see I already do a lot of them but I will be changing the ones I don't do from now on. 

Whilst watching the documentary I had to pause it as a family member popped in to visit me, and when she asked what I was watching she quickly snapped at me "you're turning into one of them tree loving hippies!" another close friend turned to me and said "you're going to be hugging the trees next!" I was completely taken back and shocked by these words. Because I stopped seeing animals as "meat and food" and started seeing them as "living creatures" I'm the weird one? Because I have moved into a home with will help my health and the environment around me, I'm the weird one? Because I watched a documentary which changed my life, I'm the weird one? Bollocks. 

What scared me most is that - this isn't something which might happen or is going to happen, this is something which is happening RIGHT NOW. This IS happening. Our planet is dying. Chasing Ice shows you what has happened in just a few years, what happens in a couple more years time when it's all out of control and we look back and say "we knew what was happening, and yet we did nothing to stop it."Will you be one of the people who help save it or will you be one of the people who help kill it? 

Please I am begging you all, spare 75 minutes of your time. Put the documentary on in the background and listen to it when you're doing blogging, when you're cleaning up, when you're in the bath, whatever but please just watch it. It's on Netflix and I promise you, it will change your life. 

With love, Alisha Valerie. x


  1. Very interesting

    I don't understand why people say "Tree Huggers" to people who want to look after the environment

  2. Very interesting

    I don't understand why people say "Tree Huggers" to people who want to look after the environment

  3. I feel so strongly about helping to save the environment as much as possible. Unfortunately, I have to drive but it means that I take extra care in other aspects of my life. Living somewhere like Hull means that I might not be able to live here all my life because we're already under sea level and will be underwater before we know it! I'm glad you're speaking up about the environment, I wish more people would!

    Sian x

    1. Thank you so much babe, I'm so happy for all the support this post has been getting 💗💗

  4. Ah this looks really insightful babe, thankyou for your review. :) xx

    1. You're more than welcome babe, thank you for stopping by! 💗💗

  5. This sounds like such an interesting documentary, Alisha! 💗 I'm definitely passionate about climate change issues too - it's so important to educate yourselves about issues like this and take measures to be as eco friendly as possible! Thanks for sharing 😘

    Abbey ✨

    1. No worries at all, I really recommend watching it babe! 💗💗

  6. I'm absolutely going to be watching this documentary ASAP! I'm so glad you had the time to watch it so you could share it with us ❤️ I'm very passionate about doing my bit for the environment, and climate change is something people really do need to be aware of! Also well done making the change with your diet too, you're doing amazing 🎉

    Lots of love, and thanks for this awesome post

    Izzy |

    1. Please let me know your thoughts babe as it really is such an awesome detailed way at looking at the planet. Thank you for your comment! 💗💗

  7. Oh ill have to give this a watch, great post love xox

  8. This is something I'm very interested in so will definitely be checking out the documentary. If only more people would open their eyes to all the issues then the world would be a much better place! Great post as always xxx

    1. I agree so much babe, thanks so much for stopping by! 💝

  9. This sounds like such an interesting documentary! I love watching documentaries, so I'll have to watch this. And I can't believe those people said that to you. As you said, this isn't something that might happen in years to come, it's happening right at this minute, so it's something we should all be educating ourselves on!

    Lauren | Lauren the Daydreamer

    1. I'd love to know your thoughts if you check it out lovely? It's so amazing 💝
