Thursday, 18 January 2018

29 Things In 29 Years!

I've seen loads of blog posts where bloggers talk about their wishes and plans for the next stage of their lives; aka  "20 Things I Wanna Do Before I'm 20" or "30 Things I Wanna Do Before I'm 30" but I don't want to look ahead and plan too much so since I turned 29 at the end of last month, I thought I would share with you a little something different - 29 Things I've Done in 29 Years!

1. Became a veggie. Became a vegan.
2. Became a fiance. Became a wife.
3. Became a mum.
4. Redescovered my faith.
5. Got my health sorted.
6. Bought our own car.
7. Raise money for charity. Donate to charity.
8. Buy my own blog domain.
9. Host a bloggers event.
10. Became a full-time blogger.
11. Research family tree and stay in touch with a long lost relative.
12. Order a pizza and hang out with the delivery guy munching it.
13. Sing alone for more than 200 people on stage.
14. Survive something I shouldn’t have survived.
15. Own a proper vintage china tea cup and saucer.
16. Have someone cook me a real romantic candle lit dinner.
17. Adopt an animal.
18. Go to Paris.
19. Have my very first snowball fight.
20. Help an animal give birth.
21. Travel on the London underground.
22. Visit a fortune teller.
23. Have a night like ‘The Hangover’.
24. Sleep in a hammock.
25. Watch the sunrise and sunset.
26. Have someone surprise me.
27. Go to the McBusted tour!
28. See a ghost.
29. Have my own magazine column.

What exciting things have you done in your life?

With love, Alisha Valerie. x


  1. I'm not going to lie, hanging out with the delivery guy whilst eating pizza sounds like an amazing experience! I'd love to do that. Congrats on becoming a wife and mum too that's also a brilliant achievement x

    1. Aww thank you so much babe, your comment has really made me smile and made my day! Meeting that delivery guy was such a funny story but we are still friends now so it all worked out very well. Thank you for your lovely comment πŸŒΈπŸ’œ✨

  2. You’ve had such an amazing life! You’ve achieved so many things! I literally wrote my birthday post last night which was 24 Life Lessons in 24 Years - great minds haha! xo
    Sian |

    1. Thank you so much for a wonderful comment! Great minds think a like babe haha!! I would love to read your blog post, please let me know when it goes live on your blog? Sending you so much love πŸŒΈπŸ’œ✨

  3. Such amazing achievements already!! I loved Paris when I went but I’d love to hit New York before 30!

    1. Thank you darling, that means a lot to me that you think that! Paris simply is just the most beautiful place. New York is somewhere that my mum has always wanted to go too but I personally think it's a little too busy for me, I would love to travel to America and explore it all though. Thank you for your comment πŸŒΈπŸ’œ✨

  4. This is such a lovely post, such a great way to reflect on the great things you’ve done in your life and looks like you’ve smashed it!

    Jessica & James | /

    1. Oh lovelies, that is such a lovely comment which you have left me. Thank you so much! You two always make me smile with your comments. πŸŒΈπŸ’œ✨

  5. This is such an amazing post! I love the way that you've looked back at your life and everything you've achieved!

    Love, Amie ❤
    The Curvaceous Vegan

    1. Thanks so much gorgeous, I'm so happy that you enjoyed the read. Adore you! πŸŒΈπŸ’œ✨

  6. So many wonderful achievements! I feel like 'The Hangover - Alisha Valerie Edition' is a post that needs to happen!! hahah! And also, so impressed that you were able to become a full time blogger! That's so awesome you get to have your own business and concentrate on what you love!

    1. Haha oh gosh, I dunno if I could put that post up... well not the pictures from that night away! Let's just say I don't remember leaving the pub... or eating the Chinese food... or trying to break into a church... or getting home... or how I woke up in bed with the toaster and with the next door neighbours front gate!! πŸ™ŠπŸ™ˆ So shocking I know! Thank you so much for your comment, it really made me smile πŸŒΈπŸ’œ✨

  7. Lovely post... so many great achievements!:)

  8. Hi, what a great idea for a post. I have always wanted to sleep in a hammock.

    1. Thank you so much, I'm super glad to hear that you enjoyed it! Sleeping in a hammock sounds so relaxing! πŸŒΈπŸ’œ✨

  9. You have done so much!! Hopefully by the time in 29 I’ve done just as amazing things! Great post x

    1. Fingers crossed you'll have done all the things you want to do babe, thank you for your comment πŸŒΈπŸ’œ✨

  10. You have done so much!! Hopefully by the time in 29 I’ve done just as amazing things! Great post x

    1. Fingers crossed you'll have done all the things you want to do babe, thank you for your comment πŸŒΈπŸ’œ✨

  11. You have done so much!! Hopefully by the time in 29 I’ve done just as amazing things! Great post x

    1. Fingers crossed you'll have done all the things you want to do babe, thank you for your comment πŸŒΈπŸ’œ✨

  12. You've seen a ghost! I really want too (and not want too) to see a ghost. You know, just out of curiosity. I love all things horror and paranormal so!

    1. I spent some of my childhood growing up in a haunted house which was haunted by the spirit of the old women who sadly passed away there. There were a few times where it was so scary, and in the end we had to move home due to what happened there. I'm also a lover of horror and paranormal and I think living in that house got me interested in it all in the first place. Thank you so much for your comment πŸŒΈπŸ’œ✨

  13. This is a brilliant idea for a post, I might do it! Great achievements, especially eating pizza with the delivery guy πŸ˜‚ I'm pleased you wrote this, it's awesome to see what you've done.

    Amy |

    1. You're more than welcome to copy my idea and do your own! I'd love it if you tweeted me the link if steal my idea and you do this blog post doll, I'll give you a retweet, read and a comment on yours. Thanks so much for your comment πŸŒΈπŸ’œ✨

  14. It really was so much fun! Oh gosh having the chef from your local takeaway come to your home and cook you food sounds like a dream! Thanks for your comment lovely πŸŒΈπŸ’œ✨

  15. Such a great idea! It's crazy to think that I ride the London Underground everyday, so if you ever need anyone to show you around, let me know!

    Divya |

    1. I will do babe, thank you so much! I'll let you know when I'm back in London and we will make a bloggers day of it. Thank you for your comment πŸŒΈπŸ’œ✨

  16. I’ve actually done both of those posts you mentioned. I did a 30 before 30 & haven’t looked at it since! I hate thinking too much into the future. I also did a things I’ve done post too and enjoyed that one SO much more!

    Jenny 🌸

  17. Lol this was so cheery and lovely to read! I think having a snowball fight would be cool, it's always fun :D & let me know when you're heading out to Paris aha I really want to go. I really do think you have some wonderful goals, best of luck achieving them :)

    xx Lena |

  18. This is such a lovely, chirpy, upbeat post; I love it! You've definitely achieved a lot in the last 29 years, cannot wait to see what you do next :)
    Hayley x
