Sunday, 21 January 2018

Sunshine Blogger Award | TAG

When I logged onto twitter a couple of days ago I was so happy to see I'd been tagged in a new tag as lately all the ones I've been tagged in I'd already done. The beautiful Catherine has tagged me in this one and I cannot wait to share my answers with you all and read everyone's answers to the questions I've picked who I have tagged.

The Sunshine Blogger award is given by bloggers to bloggers that inspire creativity and positivity!

The Sunshine Blogger Award rules are as follow:
Thank blogger(s) who nominated you for the blog post and link back to their blog.
Answer the 11 questions the blogger asked you.
Nominate 11 new blogs to receive the award and write them 11 new questions.
List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award logo in your post and/or on your blog.

Here are the questions I received as a nominee...

1. What are some songs you have on repeat?
 - Another Brick in The Wall Part 2 by Pink Floyd
 - Time of Your Life/Good Riddance by Green Day
 - Always by Bon Jovi
 - Homeless by Ed Sheeran
 - Not Afraid by Eminem
 - Lucky Man by The Verve
 - Tiny Dancer by Elton John
 - For The First Time by The Script

2. What do you do when you feel down in the dumps?
 - Meditate, write blogs or listen to music. 

3. What can you not live without?
 - My husband. I know it's so cheesy but he literally is my rock.

4. Who is your hero?
 - My Nan and my dad. Whenever I have a problem I can always go to either one of them and they give me the best advice and stick by me no matter what my decision is. I adore them. 

5. What is a book you would read over and over again?
 - The Secret by Rhonda Byrne. 

6. What do you aspire to do in the future?
 - I hope that I will simply be as happy with everything and everyone in my life as I am now. I really believe that happiness and positivity are two of the best things in life. 

7. What do you do on your downtime?
 - Watch TV,  read, or cook vegan meals. If the weather is beautiful and warm I love having days out exploring places too. 

8. How do you stay focused?
 - Lists. Lists. Lists. I literally have so many lists, that's how I stay organised and motivated. 

9. How do you stay organized?
 - See above question. ^_^

10. What are you passionate about?
 - Everything in my life. I adore making people smile.

11. If you could meet one person, living or dead, who would it be?
 - Princess Diana. I would adore to meet her. 

My 11 Nominees Are...

1. Sarah - Twitter | Blog 
2. Amie - Twitter | Blog
3. Leanne - Twitter | Blog
4. Abbey - Twitter | Blog
5. Jessica & James - Twitter | Blog 
6. Cat -Twitter | Blog
7. Jenny - Twitter | Blog 
8. Kayleigh - Twitter | Blog 
9. Steph - Twitter | Blog
10. Emma - Twitter | Blog 
11. Chloe  - Twitter | Blog

My Questions To You...

1. Let's go old MSN style... A/S/L? (Age, Sex, Location)
2. Do you have a middle name? If so, what is it? 
3. What is your favourite fruit? 
4. What's one of your favourite quotes?
5. What did you want to be when you grew up? 
6. If you could re-live one day of your life, what day would it be and why?
7. What's one thing you hope to cross off your bucket list this year? 
8. What Disney villain are you most scared of?
9.  Tell me a little about your best friend? 
10. What's the earliest memory you have?
11. Do you have any pets? If so, tell me about them?

Don't forget to check out Catherine's blog post which I was tagged in. I really cannot wait to read all of your answers, please leave the links to your blog posts below or tweet me so I can retweet them.

With love, Alisha Valerie. x


  1. Thank you for the tag, haven’t heard of this one before but we do love a good tag to read. Such a great way to know other bloggers and get to know each other with different questions!

    Jessica & James | /

    1. I couldn't agree more, really hope you enjoy doing this tag as much as I did! Thank you for your comment guys! πŸŒΈπŸ’œ✨

  2. Oooh not afraid by Eminem is one of my favourite songs!

    Love, Amie ❤
    The Curvaceous Vegan

    1. I love it too babe, such a great song no matter what mood you're in! Thank you for your comment πŸŒΈπŸ’œ✨

  3. I love these type of posts as you get to read a little more about the author behind the blog! Xx

    1. I couldn't agree more babe, I love these type of blog posts too!! Thanks for your comment πŸŒΈπŸ’œ✨

  4. Thanks for the Tag lovely! I’ve already done this one before but it’s so appreciated. Loved your answers - I love lists too & I love that you have a Green Day song in that list!

    Jenny 🌸

    1. You're more than welcome babe. Green Day are just incredible! Thanks for your comment πŸŒΈπŸ’œ✨

  5. I love these tags because they're such a good way to get to know the blogger better! xo
    Sian |

    1. I couldn't agree with you more lovely πŸŒΈπŸ’œ✨

  6. Love these posts. Always love finding out more about the authors of blogs

    Rebecca Elaine x

    1. I'm so happy to know you enjoyed it. Thanks for your comment πŸŒΈπŸ’œ✨

  7. Someone recommended the secret to me the other day!! Going to have to give it a whirl I think! Love these tags! Xxxxxxx

    1. I would adore to know what you think of The Secret babe? It's my favourite book ever and really changed my life! Thanks for your comment πŸŒΈπŸ’œ✨

  8. Love tag posts. Who knew we had such similar taste in music?! I read the secret as a teenager! I’m a big beleive in the universe!

    1. Great to know you like the same music as me lovely! I adore The Secret so much, I'm a massive believer in The Law of Attraction. Thanks for your comment πŸŒΈπŸ’œ✨

  9. These tag posts are so fun to both do and read! I write copious amounts of lists too, it’s the only thing that keeps me organised.

    Amy |

    1. I adore that I'm not the only one babe! Thanks for your comment πŸŒΈπŸ’œ✨

  10. Great award, i loved it answers. X

    1. Thanks for your comment Rebecca πŸŒΈπŸ’œ✨

  11. These posts are so fun! I love getting to know my fellow bloggers and see how much we have in common. Love your taste in music!

    1. Aww I'm so happy you enjoyed this read babe. Thanks for your comment πŸŒΈπŸ’œ✨

  12. This is so cool. I've never heard of the Sunshine blogger award

  13. Thank you so much for the tag, Alisha! It’s lovely to be thought of in tags like this! I must say that lists are a huge part of my life as well, they definitely help me stay motivated and organised just like you! My partner is my rock as well, there isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t appreciate everything he does for me!

    Abbey ❤️

    1. Oh darling thank you so much! I love that we have so much in common beautiful. Thanks so much for your lovely comment πŸŒΈπŸ’œ✨

  14. Love this! I make a lot of lists too, they're a great way to stay organised!
    Hayley x

    1. So happy to hear that you love lists too babe! 🌸✨
