Friday, 23 October 2015

Halloween Mummy Jars | DIY

Hello beautiful's! This is going to be another really easy DIY blog post on how to make Halloween mummy jars!!

What You Need: 
 - Glass jars
 - White gauze
 - Bobblie eyes
 - PVA Glue
 - Battery powered tea lit candles
All items can be bought from Home Bargains for less than £5!

What To Do: 
Simply wrap your gauze around the outside of jars and secure it with clear PVA glue. Add decorative bobblie eyes, and pop one battery powered tea lit candle inside the jar in the middle. You're all done!

You could also use these are drinking cups or sweet jars. If you do make these tweet me a picture? I would love to see them all. I hope you all have a wonderful day!

With love, Alisha Valerie. x