Friday, 16 October 2015

Homemade Dry Lips Care | DIY

Hello beautiful's! Now that the weather is getting colder, it's not just our skin that needs some extra loving - it's our lips too! I don't know about anyone else but my lips get so dry and sore in the winter that it's a horrid look and feeling. These are my very easy and cheap top three tips on how to keep your lips soft and unchapped this autumn and winter from things you have in your kitchen at home.

DIY Tip One: Honey Sugar Kisses
Mix two tea spoons of sugar (white or brown, it's up to you) and one tea spoon of honey together in a small bowl. Apply to lips, scrub for one minute, and wash with clean water and pat dry with a clean face cloth.

DIY Tip Two: Rosey Lips
Put a handful of fresh rose petals in some milk, let it soak for a few hours, then blend the mixture together, rub on lips, leave for a minute and wash with clean water and pat dry with a clean face cloth. Apply it two or three times daily for beautiful lips.

DIY Tip Three: Green Tea Heaven
Wet a green tea bag with some warm water. Let it drip off any excess of water, apply it to lips for five minutes. After five minutes, wash with clean water and pat dry with a clean face cloth.

I really hope these three small DIY's help you all out in the cold autumn and winter months coming up. I would love to know what you all think of these DIY lip treatments so please do tweet me about what you think?

With love, Alisha Valerie. x