Wednesday, 3 May 2017


If like me and you love watching Loose Women on ITV weekday lunch times then you'll have heard about their body confidence campaign and about the beautiful ladies stripping off and laying bare to feel good about yourself. If you haven't heard of the campaign then you can read all about it by clicking here.

Since all of the Loose Women have shared their body stories, then I thought it would be wonderful to share mine with you all. I have to admit, I am SO NERVOUS about this blog post so please be nice and friendly if you leave me a comment below because it's taken A LOT for me to share my story and personal pictures with you all.


I'm 28 years old, when I was 6 years old I was vaccine damaged by the MMR vaccine. Because of this growing up I have battled rheumatoid arthritis, ulcer-active colitis, osteoporosis and anaemia. Three years ago I lost my baby girl at 17 weeks pregnant. I also have to have blood tests every three months which leave me in terrible bruises and scars for weeks, and I swell up terrible all of the time.

I tried to do Slimming World to try and feel better about my body but then soon realised that I didn't want to "be skinny", I just wanted to feel better about myself. I know that Slimming World works for a lot of people and I did loose weight but I realised would rather love my body for what it is than changing it.

Due to everything my body has been through I hated it for a long, long time. Now I am finally confident and strong enough to say I love my body, because of everything I've been through some people may think I'm weak but the way I see it, I'm alive today and have survived everything its put me through - which makes my body strong.

As I mentioned above, it really has taken me a lot to share my story and pictures with you all and I hope that by the Loose Women and myself doing this you'll be confident enough to love your body too. Every single body is original, beautiful and amazing so please...

With love, Alisha Valerie. x


  1. Aww Alisha I love this post, you're beautiful!! xxxxxxx

  2. It's so important to try to love the body you're in; after all, it's the only one you get! And you are beautiful!

    Sian x

    1. Thank you so much lovely, that means a lot. πŸ’œπŸ’«✨

  3. Wow you have such an amazing journey and have battled so much. You're really strong and I admire you so much.

    Holly x

    1. Aww babe, thank you, seriously. That means more than the world to me. πŸ’œπŸ’«✨

    2. This is such a refreshing post, thankyou so much for sharing! You've battled through so much and it's great to see that you love body even though you've gone through so much x

    3. Thank you so much gorgeous! πŸŒΈπŸ’—✨

  4. Your attitude to body confidence is truly an inspiration, Alisha! I think it's fantastic that you are loving your body for how it is rather than trying to change that! Thanks for being so open and honest with us, this was a fantastic post!

    Abbey πŸ›

    1. Thank you so much Abbey, they are such lovely words from you. πŸŒΈπŸ’—✨

  5. So so sorry to hear about everything you've been through, but so inspiring thta you've managed to get through it and be confident in your own skin! Also- you have an amazing figure!


    1. Thank you so much Alice. πŸŒΈπŸ’—✨
