Saturday, 1 December 2018

Hello December | 2018

Oh my gosh - it is December! Whaaat! How is there only one month left in 2018?
This year has gone so quickly yet so much has happened and in so many ways it's been the worst year of my life because we sadly lost my beautiful Nan to cancer which you can read in this very open blog post and I had some bad health problems and stopped my daily chemotherapy treatment after sixteen years to start cannabis but we moved into our new home - our forever home. It's been a very stressful year and I'm really looking forward that it's December, in such a bittersweet way.

The beginning of November happened in a very unexpected way. If you've already seen this tweet I posted then you'll know that my health took a very bad unexpected downfall spiral and I was left making a really scary choice between two treatments which have side effects of causing cancer, upsettingly a choose had to be made and I ended up picking a treatment and having it start it quite quickly. Sadly the treatment I had to pick was chemotherapy which has made me heartbroken. I'm now on it again for three months but fingers crossed I'm able to stop it again in the near future.

By the middle of the month, and many up and down days, I had come around to the idea of being back on treatment and taking it easy. So many awesome family members and friends came to our home to visit me and lift my spirits and I have been so thankful to everyone who made the effort to see me.

The end of the month was strangely lovely, we had a special mass at church to remember my Grandparents and the babies Phil and I have sadly lost who are all together in Heaven now, which was heartbreaking yet so lovely. November ended with me looking forward to Christmas and making plans for the new year. Personally, for me, 2019 is going to be very bittersweet, I'm really looking forward to starting a new year but I'm not looking forward to starting it without my Nan by my side.


| 1 | Visit a Christmas market. 

| 2 | Make homemade mulled wine.

| 3  | Spend a day doing nothing but watch Christmas movies.

| 4 | Decorate our home in Christmas decorations.

| 5 | Get a picture with Santa.

| 6 | Bake some festive Christmas cakes.

| 7 | Host a festive dinner party.

| 8 | Take a drive around the neighbourhood looking at Christmas lights.

| 9 | Do some Christmas colouring.

| 10 | Create some homemade Christmas ornaments.

| 11 | Donate to a food bank.

| 12 | Donate to Dogs Trust. 


| My Nan's House Coat | Whilst I haven't been feeling the best these past few weeks, having my Nan's housecoat has been so comforting. If you read my Lechyd da Nan blog post then you will already know that my beautiful amazing Nan passed away in July this year and it has been such a horrible time ever since. Having my Nan's housecoat to snuggle up with whilst I've been feeling unwell has been wonderful.

| DIY Shabby Chic Unit | Phil and I bought a large wooden furniture unit way over a year ago now and we have been wanting it painted to match with our other furniture in our living room. If you have seen this instagram picture I shared you'll know that it finally got painted and looks so beautiful and bright in our living room.

| The Haunting of Hill House | This show played so hard on all of the emotions I have; I was scared, worried, happy, sad - I had all of the emotions. The whole season is a little bit of a mind fuck and leaves you questions things, however, everything does get explained by the end. If you are a horror lover than I highly recommend you checking this Netflix show out.

Do you have any festive goals to do for December? What have your favourites been for November? Are you excited for Christmas? Let me know by leaving me a comment below.

With love, Alisha Valerie. x


  1. Keeping my fingers and toes crossed that chemo goes well my darling. Here if you need anything.

    Love, Amie ❤
    The Curvaceous Vegan

  2. i want to go to a christmas market too!!
    Good luck with all your health bits for this month!

  3. The Haunting of Hill House has been one of my highlights of the entire year I think!


  4. I still need to watch The Haunting of Hill House. I've read so many great reviews! I hope you achieve your goals x


  5. I also watched Haunting of Hill house and I loved it! Xx

  6. After a tough November I hope you have an absolutely fabulous December x

  7. I did not really have festive goals as I started my christmas content back in november but sure did a lot of christmas baking and market wandering!

  8. First of all I LOVE how pretty and sweet your blog is. Visiting a Christmas market is also on my bucket list. It's weird but I've only ever been to German one's but I'd really love to go to Birmingham. I hope you get to do everything on your list!
    -Alicja from

  9. I'm sorry to hear that your Nan has passed away. I hope you will have a strength to carry on. I wish your treatment will work good and that 2019 will be a good year to you.

  10. Love this post and love the ideas you have on your bucket list. Hopefully it'll be a relaxing and festive month for you :-)
    Sarah x

  11. Ah, I'm so sorry to hear about your Nan and your health issues, that's very sad, sending lots of postive vibes and hugs to you. I hope you manage to smash your December bucket list. I made some Christmas ornaments recently which was fun. And it would be a dream to spend a day watching Christmas movies! xx

    Lisa |

  12. I'm so sorry you've had such a tough year Alisha. Hopefully 2019 has much better things in store for you. I love your December bucket list, it is full of such positive and exciting things so I really hope you get the opportunity to complete them all!
    Beth x Adventure & Anxiety

  13. so sorry to hear about you having to go back into chemo, my brother just started chemo for the first time this month so i understand to an extent what a whirlwind it is. praying that everything turns out well for you. you have a lot of wonderful festive things on your bucket list this month hopefully you get to tick them all off! xx

    mich /

  14. Sending all my love to you Alisha - chemo can't be easy and I know so many people who sadly have to go through treatment but I hope and pray everything turns out well for you. I'm glad you have such a great bunch of people around you and I hope 2019 is a great year for you, full of good things. Thanks for sharing such a personal post x

  15. Sending you a lot of love and hugs! You are amazing and incredibly brave. I hope you get to do all the things on your bucket list, they seem fun !
    Also, definitely agree with the Haunting of Hillhouse, great show.
