Thank you to everyone who tagged me in this tag, sorry it's taken me months to get around to doing it and posting it.
1. Do you remember your first make up item?
I have always had lip balm, even when I was young I loved wearing lip balm as it made me feel "grown up". As I did grow up (about the age of eight or nine), I started wearing clear mascara, lip gloss and a little bit of blusher and as I hit my teenage years I really fell in love with make up and now I have a whole make up room full of make up and other beauty products.
2. Describe your perfect mascara. Have you found one that fits your specifications?
Mascara is my go to, number one product. I love how mascara makes your eyes pop and look so different and big and beautiful. I really love Barry M's Show Girl mascara, and The Body Shop's deep black mascara. I don't like it when my lashes are all clunked together and look fat and terrible, I love long big thin lashes which make my eyes look massive and beautiful.
3. What kind of coverage do you prefer from foundation?
Because I have such pale skin it's really hard for me to find a foundation that has really great coverage and that doesn't make me look orange or like a clown. I swear by Rimmel London's Match Perfection Foundation and I use shade Light Porsillian (010).
4. Favourite high end brand?
I love Chanel lip products, I love Benefit face products and I love MAC eye shadows. I don't have one favourite designer over all product.
5. What cosmetic brands have you always wanted to try but still haven't?
This is going to make me sound so big headed or whatever but I don't actually have any I can think of. I have tried all the brands and products that I want to try.
6. Favourite drug store brand?
Rimmel London for anything to do with my face; primer, foundation, concealer, etc. And Barry M for anything else; mascara, eye shadows, lip products, blusher, nail polish, etc.
7. Do you wear fake eyelashes?
I do sometimes, on very special occasions. I didn't wear any on my wedding day or my birthday, but if I am doing a certain make up look I will put some fake eye lashes on. I'm not the biggest fan of them as having glue near my eye scared the hell out of me.
8. Is there any kind of make up you can't leave the house without?
No not really, because I go in public without make up. In fact, I do that a lot!
9. What is your most cherished beauty product?
Probably one of my Chanel lip sticks, I can't remember the name or shade of it but it was the one I wore on my wedding day.
10. How often do you shop for make up? Do you like to pick up an item here and there or get lots of goodies at once?
I do both. Whenever there is a lot of new make up at once I want to try, I will buy it all at once or if I am shopping and find a new product or a product I've been wanting to try I will buy it there and then. It all depends where I am, the price of the product (if I know I can get it cheaper I will) and how much I want the product.
11. Do you have a "beauty budget" or you spend freely?
At the moment I am trying not to spend any money at all as my husband and me really want to save some money to buy a home of our own as we are really fed up of putting all our money into renting a home, so I am not spending any money at all on anything unnecessary. Which is good too as it means it gives me time to really use all the make up and beauty products I own already.
12. Do you utilize coupons, rewards cards and sales when you shop for cosmetics?
Yes, of course! I have rewards cards and coupons for nearly every store I shop at now and the word "sale" just makes me smile at much.
13. What type of product do you buy the most of?
Lip balm and mascara. I have so many! I must have close to one hundred each. Oh, and nail polishes - I have so many of them too!
14. Is there a brand that you absolutely can't stand?
Not really. I am not a fan of MUA face products as they seem to crack and make my skin so dry.
15. Do you avoid certain ingredients in cosmetics like parabens or sulfates?
I am allergic to tea tree and lavender so I have to make sure no products I use contain them.
16. Do you have a favourite place to shop for make up?
I love shopping online for make up, or in our local big Boots store or our local Tesco store.
17. Do you like trying new skincare products or do you keep a certain routine?
Kind of both. I like to mix up sometimes and sometimes I like to keep what I know works. It kind of depends on the season and my mood.
18. Favourite bath and body brand?
Dove, Bomb Cosmetics and The Body Shop.
19. If you could only buy from one brand, which brand would you choose?
Rimmel London, just because of their foundation and concealers.
20. What brand do you think has the best packaging?
I really like Barry M and Bobbi Brown's packaging. Simple but beautiful.
21. Which celebrity always has great make up?
Cheryl Cole.
22. Do you belong to any online make up communities?
I like Makeup Talk, Beauty Lish and MUA.
23. 5 Favourite Beauty Gurus?
Fleur De Force, Talk Becky Talk, Em Ford and Elle Fowler. All can be found on youtube.
24. Do you like multifunctional products like lip and cheek stains?
I do. I like using blusher on my cheeks and lips, and also clear mascara on my eye lashes and as an eye brown definer.
25. Are you clumsy in putting make up?
I think everyone is when they are in a rush. I can be so clumsy when I do eye liner, it takes me ages to get it all right.
26. Do you use make up base/primer for the eyes?
I use primer for every thing; face, eyes and lips.
27. How many hair products do you use on a typical day?
I don't like using too much on my hair as I have a very sensitive scalp, and because I dye my hair it can make me really itchy. I use Head and Shoulder to wash my hair in, different conditioners depending on what I am reviewing etc, and argon oil. I use hair spray after wards and some sort of hair oil but that depends on what I first grab from my shelf.
28. What do you apply first, concealer or foundation?
Concealer then foundation, then concealer again if needed, then under eye concealer and some pressed or loose powder.
29. Do you ever consider taking make up classes?
I done make up and beauty in college and uni, but I would love to take more classes. You can always learn.
30. What do you love about make up?
I love how make up can transform some one into some one else. I also love how make up can make you feel, you could be having the worst ugliest day and put on some make up and feel one hundred times better.
I want to tag: Olivia, Jemma, Charlotte, Georgia, and Catherine. If you do this tag ladies, let me know so I can read them? I hope you all have a wonderful day,
With love, Alisha Valerie. x