Friday, 26 February 2016

Meet My Dad | Hello Ozzy!

Hello beautiful's! I was asked to do the "Meet My Dad" blog tag which isn't exactly a tag blog post but it seems to be going around and since I've already done the "Meet My Brother" tag I thought I would try and persuade my dad into doing this blog post with me. He agreed right away so today's blog post is going to be that tag. I've already done a tag blog post already which was "Family Questions" so if you would like to read that before hand feel free to do so.

1. What was I like as a child?
Dad: Cute and a mixer; girly but a tomboy too. You were good child though. Really friendly. A little spoilt.
Alisha: I was not spoilt! I am shocked..

2. What do you think of me have a blog online?
Dad: I think it's a good idea, because you're good at talking to people.
Alisha: My dad is a sweetheart.

3. What's something funny I did when I was younger?
Dad: One of the funniest memories was playing "Scooby-Doo".
Alisha: "Scooby-Doo" is a game my dad and myself made up. Basically my dad would pretend to be Scooby-Doo and I would through all my sweets and chocolate at him, he would catch them, eat them and shout "Scooby-Doo", just like Scoody-Doo did when one of the Scooby Gang game him a Scooby snack. I admit now it was basically a way for my dad to eat all my sweets and chocolate.

4. Have you learned anything about makeup/beauty from me?
Dad: No really but when you were at college you done makeup looks on me..
Alisha: I done Make-up Artistry in college and sometimes I would have to try out certain make up looks on people as homework. I done a couple on my dad; I made him look like he's been beat up, and like an old man.. and a couple of others which I can't remember right now. I do have pictures of them on my external hard-drive still though.

5. What's a weird habit of mine?
Dad: Eating the skin from the cooked roast chicken.
Alisha: I love that!

6. If you had to rename your daughter, what would you name her?
Dad: Lauren is the only name I can think of because we were going to call Mark JR (Moo) Lauren if he was a girl.
Alisha: Ha, another Loz.. thanks dad! Loz is one of my best friends for anyone who doesn't know.

7. When you guys go out to eat what do I order?
Dad: Chinese food. Curry. Chinese chicken curry.
Alisha: This is so true! I am a massive lover of Chinese food and my favourite food is curry.

8. What is one thing you wish I would do?
Dad: Have another baby.
Alisha: This is something Phil and me are planning to do this year. Fingers crossed!

9. What's something I do that annoys you?
Dad: Bring clothes down to mum.
Alisha: Whenever I sort out my wardrobe at home, I always bring the clothes I don't want down to my parents house to see if my mum would like any of them as we are really similar sizes. It annoys my dad so much because there ends up being more and more clothes in my parents bedroom, lol.

10. What's something I obsess over?
Dad: Daisy.
Alisha: That is true. I do adore Phil and my little puppy.

11. Where would you like to see me in ten years time?
Dad: Happily married, with a family, in a bought house.
Alisha: This is exactly what I want too. I'd also love to be blogging still as well.

12. When were you most proud of me?
Dad: The day you got married when I walked you down the aisle.
Alisha: This is so lovely! My dad is awesome!

13. What's the worst thing I've ever done?
Dad: Choked Moo with a lollipop.
Alisha: This is true. I didn't mean to though! Moo was really young (just over one year old) and he wanted some of the lollipop I had once after school so I gave it to him and was holding it whilst he licked it. Then the top of the lollipop came off and was stuck in his throat. It was a scary moment. Thankfully he was all okay and my dad and mum had to save his life as he turned blue and stopped breathing. My mum has to put her hand down his throat and get the lollipop out whilst my dad held him bent over/upside down. It all happened so quick.

14. What's your favourite moment of us together?
Dad: Standing under the mushroom water fall in Caribbean Islands.
Alisha: This was on holiday in Puerto Rico, I was about nine years old. There was this mushroom shaped water fall in the fun pool and it kept squirting water out at random times. Such a good family holiday!

15. How was I in school?
Dad: You were good. Clever. Very Artistic.
Alisha: Thanks dad!

16. What would you change if you could raise me all over again?
Dad: Nothing.
Alisha: He's awesome isn't he?!

17. Describe my perfect type of guy? 
Dad: A skater boy who likes music, plays the guitar and sings.
Alisha: I didn't think I had a type? *Laughs*

18. Share a couple of pictures of your dad and yourself? 
These two pictures are when we were on the holiday mentioned above. 

These two pictures are of Phil and my wedding day. 

With love, Alisha Valerie. x


  1. Ah such a cute tag post! It's so sweet seeing what your dad thinks of your blogging and adorable to hear his favourite memories of you as a kid! So cute!

    Sarah :)
    Saloca in Wonderland
