Sunday, 25 December 2016

Merry Christmas!

This is just a really quick blog post to say that I hope you all had a great Christmas morning, and I really hope that you all have a very magical Christmas Day and evening whatever it is you're up to today. Please do give a thought to anyone who, like myself, has lost a child or a loved one on Christmas or around this time.. and give a small thought to anyone who is homeless, alone or unwell at this time. I hope all of your wishes and dreams are coming true today.

With love, Alisha Valerie. x


  1. Merry Christmas lovely! Christmas is definitely a time of reflection and to appreciate what you do have. I always give a thought to those who are less fortunate than I am.

    Sian x

  2. Merry Christmas right back atcha, Alisha! I hope your day was merry and bright! Mine was fairly quiet, just spent with the family, but it was lovely nonetheless!

    Abbey 😇

    1. I'm so happy to hear you had a wonderful Christmas doll 💗💜✨

  3. The outlook seemed promising. However this post, despite being meant as a greeting is really short. The writer needs to come up with more engaging content.

    1. The writer takes your comment on board, however I would suggest reading my other blog posts than commenting a horrible rude comment on this short one. :)
