Thursday, 1 December 2016

Hello December...

I really cannot believe that it's the first day of the last month of 2016. That is beyond crazy to me. This year went so quickly, and so much happen in such a short space of time. As its the first I usually do my monthly favourites but I can't think of anything last month that I have really loved, since I have been unwell with gastroenteritis for most of the month I haven't really been able to try anything new out and have kept my routines as much as possible really so since I don't have anything to chatter away about I thought I would do a quick update blog post for you all...

"Are you doing blogmas/vlogmas?The answer is, sort of. I won't be blogging every single day but there will be a new blog post every other day for you all. I think since I have been unwell doing every single day is a little bit too much for me right now. 

Although being unwell means being able to chill out a lot on the sofa and I have been able to catch up on so much TV, speaking of how good is Eastenders right now? I am loving it. You may have noticed on twitter too that I started watching the new season of Total Diva's, and started three new shows this month - Total Bella's, Switched at Birth and my new obsession The Walking Dead. Yes I know I am pretty far behind on it all (I'm only caught up to season four right now) but I am loving it.

I also want to say a massive thank you to some amazing brands which have sent me so many awesome things this past month which I cannot wait to feature in upcoming blog posts!!

How was everyone's November? What are your plans for December? Are you doing blogmas or vlogmas? I would love to know, and please leave your links below so I can check out your blogs?

With love, Alisha Valerie. x


  1. Happy 01st December! I'm sorry to hear your unwell & hope you get better soon! Take care xx
    Rachel |

  2. I love Total Divas! It's one of my fave shows! I'm obsessed with the Bella twins too; massive girl crushes on them! I hope you're feeling better too; don't stress about blogmas too much. Getting fit and healthy is more important than anything :) I look forward to reading anything you post though!

    Sian x

    1. Brie is just a dream for me, I would just love to look like her. Thanks so much for the well wishes babe, 💝

  3. I'm not doing Blogmas because of the crazy amount of Uni work I have to do! I wish I had the time <3

    Abigail Alice x

    1. Uni is more important babe, I hope it all gets sorted for you quickly so you can enjoy some free time 💝

  4. I'm so sorry to hear you've not been well! I will be doing Blogmas and I am so excited! I look forward to your posts x

  5. Happy December babe! I have so much respect for people who do blogmas / vlogmas - I'd never be able to keep up! Hope you feel better soon babe x

    1. Happy December beautiful!! Aww thank you so much 💗🎅✨

  6. Hope you start to feel better soon hun! Nothing worse than not feeling yourself.

