Monday, 24 February 2020

What I'm Burning Lately | February 2020

AD | Hello my lovelies, happy Monday, I really hope you're all having a wonderful start to your week! I'm sharing with you lovely lot another article about what I'm been burning lately in our home and why I think you need to get your hands on this gorgeous candle...

I am one of them people that will light a candle first thing of a morning (around seven am) and blow it out the last thing at night (around ten pm) leaving it burning all day long, so I go through candles really quickly and they never seem to last long - until now! This candle lasted me around ten days which is total perfection for me.

I picked up this beautiful vintage shabby-chic looking 'Floral Bouquet' candle from Home Bargains back in January (they still have them in store!) for only £2.99 - total bargain! This candle smells so similar to the Yankee Candles "Fresh Cut Roses" candle, these would make a wonderful present for someone's birthday, wedding anniversary or any occasion whatsoever. I've already stocked up on so many candles in their range for special occasions this year.

What are your thoughts on Home Bargains candles? Have you tried this one? Do you like floral scents in your home? Let me know your thoughts by leaving me a little comment of love below? I'm sending you all so much love and positive vibes x

With love, Alisha Valerie. x


  1. I have candles everywhere in my house. I love it to smell nice

  2. This sounds like an absolute bargain and for it to last for that long too! Amazing!

    Jessica & James |

  3. This really makes me want to get more candles - I used to have quite a few but used them when I moved in with my partner and didn't re-purchase. I think after I get moved house, candles will be a must (again) x

  4. This candle is SO CUTE! I love candles so much, I’m totally going to have to check this one out.

  5. This candle looks so good!! And so reasonably priced x

  6. I absolutely love candles, and this one sounds superb! I really love how cute the packaging is x

  7. wow! can't believe you burn it all day :)

    this looks super pretty and I love candles too - except I keep forgetting to light them!

    great review :)

  8. I absolutely love burning candles!! I've never tried home bargains ones though.. I love asda Georges' own ones!! Xx

  9. I do this too - i LOVE candles and the extra lovely smell they bring to your house!

  10. This candle packaging is so gorgeous - such a cute pink colour too! :) Sounds like it smells incredible too x

  11. I can only imagine how delicious this candle collection smells and it is pink. Loving it.

  12. I could always use a good candle thanks for the recommendation

  13. This candle looks divine :) I love candles too and my friends and family know to get me candles for Christmas and my birthday, haha!

  14. This candle is such a pretty shade! This reminds me I need to burn through more of my candles!

  15. I have candles in every room. I tend to stay away from floral scents but I do have one that I love. I tend to buy scents that smell like food or lavender.

  16. I bet this candle smells amazing, I love floral scents!

  17. I've got a ridiculous amount of candles to get through! Loads from Ikea - make great photo props but I really should start using them! I've not heard of this candle brand before, the packaging reminds me of Yankee Candle.

    Ellyn x | Life Of A Beauty Nerd
