Tuesday, 22 December 2015

Christmas Time | Tag

Hello beautiful! It's nearly Christmas which means it's another Christmas Tag. If you missed last week's Christmas Traditions Tag click the title to read that and find out a little bit more about my Christmas' and what I get up to at Christmas time.

Which do you like better; Christmas Eve or Christmas Day?
I enjoy both really. Christmas has been really stressful these past few years so I'm hoping to make this Christmas a very special one.

Where do you usually spend your holidays?
I spend Christmas Eve with my brother, Christmas Day with my husband and other days around Christmas with family and friends.

Can you name all of Santa’s reindeer?
Rudolph, Prancer, Dasher, Dancer, Comet, Donner, Cupoa, Blitzen and Vixen. I think that's them all?

Are you a pro-present wrapper, or do you fail miserably?
I am a pro-present wrapper. I love wrapping presents and making them look all pretty as it does relax me a lot, I learnt how to do it when I was younger in Juniors school.

Be honest: do you like giving gifts or receiving gifts better?
I love giving people gifts. I love shopping for presents and gifts for people, it's so much fun. Although if I do leave it too late to buy people presents then I get so super stressed out.

What is the best Christmas gift you’ve ever received?
I was given tickets to go to a family holiday to Spain with my parents when I was nine years old, I was so excited.

Do you open your presents Christmas Eve or Christmas morning?
I've always got one special present which is always new PJs and slippers on Christmas Eve wrapped up all nice and pretty, and then open the rest of my presents on Christmas morning.

What do you like to do on your Christmas break?
I like to just relax and have time to be with family and friends, Christmas shopping afterwards is always a great thing too!

Have you ever made a snowman?
No! But I really, really want to.

Is your Christmas tree real or fake?
It's fake this year but I do love having a real tree, the smell is just amazing.

Do you like to stay in your PJ’s, or dress up for Christmas?
Dress up and stay in my PJs on Boxing Day.

What’s your favourite Christmas meal or treat?
I adore my Christmas time food; just because it's the only time that a lot of my family can be together sat around a table so whatever day around Christmas time it is or whatever meal we are having my family and myself always have a lovely time.

Candy Canes or Gingerbread Men?
Gingerbread men always. I once had a Candy Cane and lost a tooth! Never took that chance again.

White lights, or coloured lights?

What is your favourite Christmas film?
I honestly can't just pick one, I love so many.

Have you ever had a White Christmas?
Yes. I love white Christmas' as well.

What is your favourite Christmas song?
Jingle Bells!

What holiday traditions are you looking forward to most this year?
Going to church on Christmas Eve, and just spending time with family over the Christmas holiday's.

What Are Your Favourite Christmas Colours? 
Red and gold, and I normally don’t like gold that much. I like doing some pink in our Christmas decorations too in memory of our daughter.

What would be your dream place to visit for the holiday season?
So many places; New York, Lapland, or somewhere really hot and warm and spend Christmas day in a bikini on the beach somewhere.

With love, Alisha Valerie. x

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