Saturday, 19 March 2016

My Spring & Summer Goals | 2016

Hello beautiful's! I thought I would do another goals blog post and share what I want to do this Spring time and Summer time like I've done for "My Summer Goals 2015". "My Autumn & Winter Goals 2015", and "My 5 Goals for 2016" as I always get some good feedback from these posts and I thought you all enjoy reading what my goals are for this Spring and Summer time.

Buy fresh flowers for our home every week: I love having fresh flowers in our home, I really do think having flowers in our home really makes our home look more beautiful with flowers in it and since we have moved home a few weeks back I really want to make it a thing to put some flowers in our dining room each week to just brighten the food. Can you tell I love fresh flowers in Spring time? They make me excited.

Visit the local farm: I love our local farm, and I love farm and country life. This is one of the main reasons why I moved to Prescot to be honest as I really love the slow-country style life but now that we've moved to Liverpool our own local park is Croxteth Park Farm. I have done a blog post about this place so if you'd like to read that then feel free to do so by clicking here.

Have more days out: Being a blogger I can spend hours in my makeup room doing work wishing I was chilling outside so this time I am going to make sure that at least for one hour each day I go outside (even in our garden) and get some fresh air properly rather than just having my window open. Plus each day out I have I'll make a blog post about it for my "Our Day Out" series.

Explore Speke Hall and Sudley House: These are two places that I really want to go and spend the day exploring as I have wanted to visit them since I was a little girl. If you're coming to Merseyside, or you live in Merseyside and haven't been to these places yet, I really recommend checking these two places out as they look like they are such wonderful places for couples, for families or just for a day out on your own. If you do visit any of these places or know of a place you think may be good for my Our Day Out series than please let me know?

Drink in a real Irish pub: There is an Irish pub in Liverpool and I really want to go back to it and have a drink in there. I have been in there before but only once about five years ago and I was kind of drunk at the time to be honest. I do remember loving it in there and I really cannot wait to go back.

Go on an ice cream date: There is an ice cream bar at Liverpool Albert Docks which I really want to visit. Phil and me walked past it a few times but have never actually been in. This year I think it would be lovely to have a little ice cream date at this place and sit and eat our ice cream whilst looking over the River Mersey.

Have a day out at the beach: I said this last year and never ended up having a beach day out so this year I really want to have a day at the beach and hopefully catch some sunshine.

Make our house a Home: So a couple of weeks back we moved home and moved from Prescot to Liverpool, you can read about this blog post by clicking here. I cannot wait to make each room our own and just simply

Have an awesome birthday: My birthday is July 31st and I am going to be turning twenty-eight years old - how old am I getting yeah? Not fun. I really want to have another awesome birthday this year and maybe do a BBQ or something if the weather is lovely? I can't wait.

I really hope you all have a wonderful Spring time and Summer time this year, and you all have a fabulous day!

With love, Alisha Valerie. x


  1. These are lovely goals to have during spring and summer. The warmer weather really makes me more motivated to get out and explore more. 28 is not getting old! You're still a young lady and a BBQ sounds a lovely idea for a July birthday 💕 xx
    Sharon from

  2. The fresh flower idea is so good; they do make a space bright and cheerful! I love the sound of your ice cream date!

    I'm envious of your summer birthday! A BBQ would be so cool!

    Michelle -x-
