Friday 4 March 2016

Take 5

Hello beautiful's! Giving yourself sometime to relax during the day is so important so I thought I would share some of my favourite ways to take five and relax with you all to see if it can help any of you.

Take regular mini warm drink breaks. 
If it's coffee, tea or hot chocolate taking a little bit of time out for yourself is so important and this is such an easy thing for anyone to do. Sometimes, just letting your mind clear and getting an extra boost is just what you need to get through the day.

Take a break from the internet. 
Turn your phone off or put it on silent, go sit in your garden and just for a couple of minutes enjoy the hear and now and the quietness of it all. This is one of my favourite things to do of a day to just let my mind recharge.

Play relaxing music.
I love music just like everyone and playing my favourite playlists in the morning and throughout the day really help me and keep me motivated. Make yourself a couple of playlists and listen to them to help you feel better whilst doing all of your daily bits and bobs.

Go on to youtube and find yourself a little work out video that suits you and do some working out. It really does help you mentally and physically I promise! Try it for just half an hour and I guarantee that you'll be working out between two and three times a week.

Read a book. 
My book list is as long as the China wall right now so I always try and take time to read a little whenever I can do. As you may have seen I've been doing my "Book of the Month" blog posts about my favourite books each month, I'd search my blog and check them out if you are a geek like me as I've read some awesome books.

Browse the net. 
Working from home means being online a lot and sometimes I feel like I'm always working and never have any time to just sit and browse things that I'm interested in - like my tumblr page or my personal facebook. Taking a little "me time" to browse things I want to see  makes me feel so much better and sometimes gives me ideas for my blog posts. It's usually my tumblr page, the amazon website, or my favourite television shows on google.

Play with your pets.
Pets are a part of your family too. I have a miniature Jack Russell puppy called Daisy and anyone who has a puppy knows how much hard work they can be, but they also know how loveable and playful they can be as well. I love playing with Daisy and seeing her run after her toys all excited, bringing them back to me just for me to throw them again. It makes me realise that she doesn't have a care in the world, is free, and feels wanted and loved because isn't that what every one on this earth wants after all?

Bubble baths. 
The best way to relax! I love baths and always have done as everyone knows! Doing a face mask and having a bath are two of my favourite things ever so I always do them together whenever I can. Relaxing in a bubble bath with some Bomb Cosmetics products, my face mask on, some beautiful candles and good music are perfection in my opinion.  You can read a review about Bomb Cosmetics here!

I hope you all enjoyed this blog post, what are your favourite ways to relax? Let me know by commenting below or by tweeting me. I really hope you all have a great day!

With love, Alisha Valerie. x

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