Tuesday, 1 September 2020

Hello September | 2020

AD | Hello my lovelies, happy Tuesday, I hope you are all having an amazing start to your month! I cannot believe that it's September already, summer is basically over and autumn is on its way. We have less than four months left until Christmas Day and for some reason right now feels like I'm going into a totally new start with life. Let me explain why...

August started with me feeling really positive about being in a wheelchair. I'd spent so much time during the end of July worried about what this new version of my life was going to consist of that I didn't know where my life was headed or how it would affect me. Is this it, is this my life now? Will I be given a new treatment? Would I always be in this much pain? What fashion brands are great for wheelchair users? Would we have to move home again as our home wasn't wheelchair accessible? Thankfully we don't.

And by the middle of August, I was getting into a bit of a routine of life in a wheelchair. I know I've said this before but I would rather my legs stop working properly than my arms. I feel so grateful for that because at least I can still do my usual things like wash, brush my teeth or help with cooking.

As you may have seen if you follow me on my Instagram account, we have been doing our home up tons and it's starting to feel amazing. Don't get me wrong, we saved a lot of money for a long time to be able to do our home up and by no means are we rich but if you'd like to see some pictures then check out my Instagram.

I ended the month feeling surprisingly wonderful and excited for autumn to come. I'm excited about a new adventure and to get back to doing social media work. I've been away for the whole of the summer that it's going to feel amazing getting back into a routine and catching up with all of my favourite online people.

Are you excited for Autumn? Do you know any wheelchair fashion brands? Do you know any influencers in wheelchairs I can follow online? What have you been up to during August? I'd love to know your views so please leave me a comment below letting me know your thoughts? I'm sending you all of my love for a wonderful, happy and positive day x

With love, Alisha Valerie. x


  1. Hope you have a good month! Georgina grogan is an amazing blogger and posts about her wheelchair use xx

  2. I am glad you've found your wheelchair to be a positive experience. I am going to go over and check out your home renovations x

  3. I'm so glad that you have found positivity of your wheelchair lovely, Goergina Grogan is a wheelchair user and always produces amazing content! x

    Lucy | www.lucymary.co.uk

  4. I'm so happy to hear that you've been able to make good out of your situation and turn into something positive. Happy September!

    Deandra| theblackprincessdiaries.com

  5. Happy September lovely! You are the queen of making things positive and I am so happy to see your blog back in action!
