My mornings are one of my favourite times of the day. The sun is shining bright, the birds are singing, the squirrels are gathering their breakfasts of nuts we've left out for them, the bees are buzzing and the butterflies are fluttering - what more could anyone ask for? I love waking up super early and starting my day with a positive attitude and grateful thoughts, so I thought I would share with you my usual Spring morning routine which keeps my organised, motivated and positive.
| 5.30AM | Mornings start super early for me at half-five am as my husband's alarm clock goes off for work so that always wakes me up, not that I mind really as I get to have snuggles with our little pud Daisy. Once it gets to about six am I do a morning meditation and by six thirty I'm out of bed.
| 6.30AM | If it's a really sunny morning then I have an ice cold glass of water to wake me up and then will move on to a yummy morning cup of coffee whilst checking out the news. I'm not a massive fan of celebrity news so I will usually check my twitter moments news feed or watch Good Morning Britain to see and hear about what has been going on. I'll also be checking my to-do list or my diary to see what I'm going to be up to today too.
| 7.00AM | I'm the type of person who can't eat of a morning when I first wake up but by seven am I'll be hungry so it's breakfast time for me, then I'll have a refreshing morning shower (anyone else love morning showers?), do my morning facial routine, get dressed for the day, and put on some makeup - if I'm not going out for the day then I won't bother with makeup, but if I am going to be going out then I'll pop on some concealer, powder, mascara and a lip balm. I'll usually be listening to my Spotify playlist or a Be Inspired video on YouTube by now also.
| 8.30AM | By half eight I'll settle down with a drink and start catching up on my favourite blog posts via my blogger reading list.This is one of my favourite times of the morning as I love sitting reading about what everyone has been up to or what everyone has been loving lately, rooting for other bloggers is one of the best things ever you can do as a blogger!
| 9.30AM | Half nine usually rolls around pretty quickly and before I know it I'll be logging in to my inbox and replying to emails I've received overnight, there is usually between fifteen and twenty so once they're all replied to I will start blogging for the day; aka drafting, writing, scheduling, taking pictures, etc all of the good stuff that goes into being a blogger.
What is your usual summers morning like?
With love, Alisha Valerie. x
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Wow, thank you for sharing your morning routines! It inspired me of the things that I should be doing in the morning, instead of going back to sleep again �� I also love waking up in the morning and start being productive, and when I get up early I will feel guilty. I think I need to start making morning routines that eventually they'll become a habit :)x
ReplyDeleteTyas |
I couldn't agree more with what you said babe. Actually getting up and beig positive is one of the best things to do. Thanks for your comment πΈπ
DeleteI love posts like this! Mornings are my favorite time as well and it's when I feel most productive. I also work nights,so my mornings are very relaxed and calm. I don't have to rush of if bed and off to work, and I prefer this type of schedule. Thank you for sharing
ReplyDeleteYour mornings sound so wonderful beautiful, so relaxing. Thank you so much for your comment πΈπ
DeleteWow you get up so early! I drag myself out of bed sometime around 8am and rush around having a shower, skincare routine, get dressed and get to work ASAP.
ReplyDeleteLauren xx - bylaurenjane
DeleteI wish I could get up as early as you! I'm trying to have a more of a routine - thanks for this post!
DeleteI love seeing and hearing about people's morning routines! water is always a must in the morning to me too!
DeleteThat sounds very similar to me, Paul's alarms go off at 4:40am so I'm always awake at the crack of dawn!
ReplyDeleteLove, Amie ❤
The Curvaceous Vegan
DeleteI love getting an early start to my day! I can't wait to have more laid-back mornings once I'm blogging & writing full-time! And welcome back!
DeleteI work from home so I always start my day when my boyfriend goes to work but I wish I could get up even earlier on a daily basis. I was up at half 6 the other day and got SO much done and it was such a productive day.
DeleteOh wow, you have a right little busy morning schedule! And half 5!! I'd feel like the day would be so long haha. I usually get up about 7 and get ready for work and just fit in socialising, family time and blogging around working life xx
DeleteI can’t go a morning without coffee it’s my saviour!
DeleteWOW 5:30 is extremely early for me ;) I love posts like this!
ReplyDeleteSarah X
DeleteYour mornings sound great, so relaxing! I don't mind getting up early in the summer now that it's lighter! My weekday mornings are boring (up at 6, out the door to work by 7.30) but on the weekends I love waking up early, doing a bit of reading in bed, having a cuppa and some breakfast before getting on with whatever I'm doing for the day! xo
ReplyDeleteSian |
DeleteLove your routine!
DeleteI wish I could wake up that early! My morning usually consists of getting up, brushing my teeth and doing my skincare routine, then watching TV in bed whilst eating breakfast before I go to work x
DeleteAnother early riser - I love it! I love getting up early, even if the most productivity it brings is watching more than usual on Netflix.
DeleteIf it’s a week morning it’s usually a chaotic rush to get out for work at 7.
Deletemy mornings can either be mad, up late and the rush to get the kids to school in time and others can be so calm and relaxing.. i like the relaxing days more
DeleteIT sounds like you've got an amazing routine going on! I wish I could say the same, my little alarm clock is my daughter and by the time she's asleep I'm cleaning like a wizard praying for a few hours kip. One day I'll have this with the school run and it makes me excited haha!
Deletewow i wish i had this kind of motivation in the morning! i'm so lazy!
DeleteWow you do start your day really early and I’m so the same, I’m not a morning eater either - so weird but I just can’t. Love being nosey in people’s day!
ReplyDeleteJessica & James | /
DeleteI love the morning but I just hate getting up! I wish I could get up so early and meditate, but usually end up being rushed to get to work.
ReplyDeleteAmy |