Monday, 28 May 2018

Spring Clean Your Mind | How To Be A Positive Person

I've found that if you want to attract happy positive wonderful things in your life then become a happy positive wonderful person. I want to share some of my top advice with your all on clearing out your mind and life to become a better person. So go grab yourself a drink and a snack because this blog post is gonna be a super long one..

|| Be Grateful || Before you get out of bed each morning think of three things you're grateful for, this may seem like such a silly little thing to do but trust me when I say that it really helps and works. There is no one as strong as a person whose heart is always filled with gratitude. Ask yourself right now, what are you grateful for today? 

|| Be Inspired || You know that quote everyone says "no one will love you until you love yourself"? Well being inspired is kind of similar to that in the sense that no one is going to believe in you if you don't start believing in yourself. Go out there into our gorgeous big world every single day and live your dreams and smash your goals, and inspire others to do the same.

|| Listen To Your Favourite Music || Listening to your favourite music can automatically put you in a good mood so create yourself playlists, I've talked about this before on my blog and I can't even begin to explain how such a simple thing like this really helps you. If you don't fancy listening to music then why not try listening to a video from the YouTube channel Be Inspired? It's personally one of my favourite things to listen to of a morning.

|| Display and Read Quotes || I have my favourite quotes on display all over my home; a big canvas picture above my fireplace, on a wooden plack in my kitchen, one in my hallway, etc and they really do help. Having my favourite quotes on display helps me in my everyday life, if I'm feeling stressed or anxious or sad I just read one of the quotes slowly and take the whole thing in. You can also follow me on my tumblr where I'm always posting positive quotes or even search the #BePositive hashtag on twitter. If you're more of a reader then I'd recommend reading one of Rhonda Bryne's books titled The Secret, it really is an awesome book and it completely changed my life for the better - I've even got my dad hooked on it.

|| Meditation and Quite Time || I'm a massive believer in what you think you become so taking time out, even for only five minutes, to de-stress and de-clutter your mind is an essential thing to Spring cleaning your mind. Sleep is sometimes the best meditation and if you would like to try a sleep meditation then I highly recommend listening to one of Michael Sealey's YouTube videos as they're so relaxing and really give you the most wonderful nights sleep.

|| Do More of What You Love || If it's reading and/or writing, creating artwork, being with friends and family, cooking or baking, yoga or sports, whatever it is that you decide to do then just make sure that it makes you happy. Be fearless in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire.

|| Become Optimistic || Okay so you have had a bad day or even a bad month, or a bad year, it doesn't mean you have a bad life. Trying your hardest to see the positive side of every single situation in life is the best way to stay positive twenty-four-seven. Sometimes it can be really hard to do so but once you get into the habit of it you'll be doing it so naturally before you know it.

|| Say "I Can" instead of "I Can't" || If you suffer from the horrible anxiety of pleasing people and fear of letting people down then I would highly suggest skipping this one. However, if you don't then opening yourself up to more opportunities in life and saying that you can make that afternoon you've planned with friends, you can save up enough money to buy yourself that new dress or makeup product you really want, and you can read and finish that book in time before your library date needing it back, simple little things really can really make big changes in your life. I'm not talking about big things, I'm saying really small changes in your life can really make the difference.

|| Create a Positive Environment || I know it's hard sometimes but try to stay away from any negativity; ignore comments, hateful people, block negative people on social media, etc. Having a great positive environment in your life is such a great simple way of staying positive. Following more positive people on social media, making new friends by joining new groups or clubs which you have interests in or even just setting yourself simple little goals to complete of a day and rewarding yourself afterwards are all great ways of keeping your life positive and happy.

|| Smile More || This is such a simple way of being positive. If you're going through a bit of a bad time and you can't think of anything right now to smile about in your life then remember all of the amazing memories that you've had already and smile about those, because even though you may feel terrible right now, you never when the memory was happening. I don't think any of us will ever know all of the good that a simple smile can do so as much as possible use your smile to change the world every single day, don't let the world change your smile because a smile is the universal language of kindness. Always remember, you're never fully dressed without a smile on your face.

|| Be Thankful and Be Friendly || No matter what happens in your life, always be thankful and be friendly. You may not have everything you've ever wanted but at least you've had something - you've felt happiness, you've felt joy and you've felt love. Don't ever wait for people to be friendly to you, be friendly to them and show them how friendship is supposed to be. Be thankful for the struggles you go through, they make you stronger and more humble, don't ever let them break you - let them make you. There is always, always, always something to be thankful for what you have in your life. Lead a life that will make you be kind and friendly to everyone you meet and you will be surprised at what a happy life you will live.

|| Surround Yourself with Positive People || Until you're comfortable with being alone, you'll never know if you're choosing someone's company out of love or loneliness so make sure the people you actually surround yourself with are positive, supportive, wonderful people. Obviously there are people in my life who I would rather block out forever and never speak to again just like everyone else, however, I can't do that so in those horrid situations I try to be as understanding, calm and supportive as possible and hope that my attitude rubs off on them to make them a better person - sometimes it works, but sadly sometimes it doesn't. I've found that once you learn how to be happy, you learn quickly that you won't want to tolerate being around people who make you feel anything less than positive. Try not to worry about the people who aren't supportive or happy for you, because deep down they probably aren't happy with themselves either. I personally like to surround myself with people who make me happy and who make me laugh, people who I know value my time and who never take advantage of me, and I surround myself with people who have dreams, desires and ambition because they support me and help me push for and realise my own.

|| Forget About Regret || Before you start an argument, think before you speak and discuss the situation rather than arguing about it otherwise you'll jump into a massive row and then might regret everything you've said or done in the heat of the moment. So you've lost friendships, you've quit jobs, you've been hurt and you've had your heart broken into what felt like a million pieces? Well so what, because you're alive and you're well, and you're strong and can get through this. Don't think about the past and don't hold grudges - forgive them people who hurt you and then forget about them because they don't need to be in your life anymore and I truly believe that some people are meant to be in your life for a short time to help you grow and then it's time to leave them in your past. Always forgive the people who hurt you, but never forget about who hurt you, learn from your mistakes but never forget how you got over them and who helped you do so.

|| Keep A Journal || If you want to live your happiness most positive life possible then I highly suggest you keep an up to date honest, unpublished journal that no one reads but yourself because getting things down on paper will really help you to stop over-thinking about them and clear up your mind for bigger and better thoughts - you'll really be surprised how much doing this helps.

|| Remember You're in Charge || Believe in yourself, self-belief, in my opinion, feels like some wonderful kind of magic. People too often forget that it is your own choice how you want to spend the rest of your life. You need to take care of yourself more than anyone else; sleep more, meditate as much as you can, take five minutes to be calm whilst drinking your favourite drink, and walk away from anything that gives you bad vibes. There is no need to explain to anyone or make sense of it yourself, if it gives you a bad vibe then don't allow it in your life because it's your life to do what makes you happy and don't allow others to tell you how to live it, don't base your decisions of what or who you want in your life on those who don't have to deal with the results. It's your life, don't fucking ever let anyone make you feel guilty for living it your way.

With love, Alisha Valerie. x


  1. meditation, a gratitude journal, yoga, and tea have really been helping me out lately! I see a lot of other great ideas on here I need to try out, esp. the whole I CAN instead I CAN'T mentality.

  2. I love putting on my favourite cd xx

  3. You have some excellent advice here as always, Alisha! I couldn't agree more with what you've said about being grateful, reflecting on all of the positives on our lives really can be the difference between a good day and a bad one! Creating a positive environment is something that I'm really trying hard to do at the moment as well, muting unblocking anyone who makes me feel down on social media has been a big part of that and I feel so much better for it!

    Abbey xx

  4. These are some great tips on how to stay positive! I always try to smile to make myself and others feel better x

  5. This is a fab post and I totally agree. I am quite a positive person, in general and I'm taking more steps to try and up that level of wellness in my life but it's other people which make it SO difficult sometimes. I do daily Yoga and meditation and I'm so much more grateful for everything I have now than i've ever been before!


  6. Listening to my favourite music always helps me so much x

  7. Great post with so many great and positive reminders for us all.

  8. Thanks for the tips! I've been thinking about the journal one for a long time now. I think I will give it a try.

  9. What a wonderful post! I am mostly a positive person with a very thankful mind but when I'm going through a particularly tough time I do struggle with keeping my head above water. I've recently been cutting out people who I noticed brought me nothing but negative feelings despite me caring for them a lot and even though I miss them it's done my mental health wonders. It's so important to put your own wellbeing first and I'm a quote lover too! I always save them and keep them close to my heart.
    Alice Xx

  10. I agree with so much of this post but I'm personally not into quotes, I think they're a bit cliche and overused x

  11. These are such amazing ideas,I know that so many people will benefit from them!

    Love, Amie ❤
    The Curvaceous Vegan

  12. music has always helped me, but these are good tips

  13. I love to keep journals I find that it helps me to realise what it really bothering me, and how much there is. It's a great way to look back at things too! Great post Alisha, x

    Lisa | Oh Luna.

  14. Meditation, gratitude, and positivity have become HUGE for me recently. I've been using these ideaoligies to help with my Law of Attraction. It really is an unbelieveable thing!

  15. I really need to take more of this on board! i can be quite negative i really want to start meditation!

  16. Slowly but surely I am taking these on board, I feel I’ve progressed more in doing these things and will continue to do so. Thanks for sharing all of this!

    Jessica & James | /

  17. Love this post, Alisha! It's full of so many important life lessons and advice! I especially love the part about saying I can instead of I can't. It's definitely so important and something that I often need a reminder of. Doing what you love is a great one too, I find that when I do this there's definitely a positive change in my mood.

  18. I love when you write these kind of posts because they remind me of what’s important and help me to do a bit of reflecting. Thank you for writing this! Xxx

  19. Being grateful always helps me to remain positive! Great post, definitely one to bookmark!

    Amy |

  20. I need to do all of these incredibly more! I must be such a negative person hahaha. I used to read Demi's 365 days and there are positive quotes in there for each day and that really helped me too x
