Friday, 1 March 2019

Hello March | 2019

AD | Hello my lovelies! March is here! Which, hopefully, means Springtime is going to be coming soon! I cannot wait for flowers, pastel shades and a makeup bag change for the new season.

February started with very mixed feelings for me. I haven't really spoken about it on my blog much before but I pay privately to speak to my counsellor twice a week so my February started off with me more forced on that as I had ended January having really bad horrible anxiety attacks. I spent a lot of my February thinking about the year ahead and making lots of plans to keep me busy, I'd had a really rough year last year so really want to make the best out of this year as possible.

The middle of the month actually turned out to be really hard work for me. I unexpectedly got some bad news after bad news and due to the anxiety and stress of it all battled with my health more than I would have liked to do so - and was put on one month's worth steroids to calm my health down. Thankfully after a couple of days of being on them, they did help a lot but I had to cancel some plans I had made which made me sad. If you suffer from a chronic illness you'll know how horrible it is to make plans and have to cancel them last minute because your body is just like "no" - it's really crappy.

The biggest problem I faced this month was sleeping downstairs in our living room for pretty much the whole of the month. As you probably already know I use a wheelchair yet live in a house which means that I have a stairlift, sadly it broke and as we had to go through the process of finding a new one and having it fitted it meant that I had to spend all of my time downstairs in our home, including bringing our guest room single bed downstairs for me to sleep in. I hated it, and to be honest the whole process of it all took a lot longer than it should have done as we were messed about a little bit.

However, after what seemed to turn out to be a crappy month February ended rather okay and I finally started to get on top of things again with life and with blogging. I finally feel content and happy again and I'm looking forward to a new month starting to see what it has in store for me.

How was your February? Did you do anything special? Do you have any plans for March? I'd love to hear from you so let me know by leaving me a comment below,

With love, Alisha Valerie. x


  1. I hope March is a very good month for you.

  2. Anxiety attacks are so awful!

  3. Onwards and upwards for March. I hope March treats you well. My February was OK, pretty slow to start with. Now I can't believe where the month went!

    Gemma |

  4. How awful that must of been for you. I hope they have sorted the stair lift situation out for you now. I look forward to reading more posts from you and I am so glad I have stumbled across your beautiful blog. Xx

  5. That must've been terrible. I hope your stair lift shall never be broken again! Wishing you the very best! Thanks for sharing.

  6. Glad to hear February ended on a better note that how it was going. Heres to a super good March! ☁️❤

  7. Im sorry to hear you haven't had the best start to 2019 but im positive March and the remaining months of 2019 will be good to you! Sending love and light.

  8. I hope you have a better March xx

  9. Oh no, I hope that everything is going to work out better for you in March. Here's to the coming of spring and brighter days!

  10. I really hope March is the best month for you my angel!

    Love, Amie ❤

    The Curvaceous Vegan

  11. Sorry to hear that February wasn't a great month for you! I hope March treats you better. I don't know where February went for me! I seem to have blinked and it disappeared x


  12. I'm so sorry to hear about the broken stairlift! What a absolute nightmare. I hope March is much better for you!


  13. Sorry to hear February wasn't good for you, fingers crossed for a much better March :)

    Lisa |

  14. I'm so sorry that Feb was so stressful ! I hope march goes well for you. It's going well for me so far.. God bless.

    1. I really hope March is awesome for you.. You deserve a lot of good things after what seems like a horrible time.

  15. I'm so sorry that Feb was so stressful ! I hope march goes well for you. It's going well for me so far.. God bless.

  16. I'm so sorry you haven't had the best start to 2019 and genuinely hope March is a better month for you. Anxiety attacks are horrible so I empathise with you.

  17. I'm sorry that February wasn't that great for you! It sounds so stressful and annoying to have been stuck downstairs, but hopefully March will be a lot better for you. Hopefully you feel better too!
    Beth x Adventure & Anxiety

  18. I'm so sorry to hear how badly February has gone for you, and I hope you are able to find a new stair lift soon. All the best for March!

  19. So sorry February wasn't very good for you! I hope March is better. I can't believe how fast this year is going xx

    Tiffany x

  20. Thanks for sharing your experience. I struggled with anxiety and panic attacks for the better part of a decade. They can be debilitating. I'm sorry your month was a bit of a struggle. Also, I am happy to have discovered your blog. I will be back.

  21. It’s so empowering when people share their struggles, I struggle with PTSD and knowing others have anxiety attacks and deal with this makes me feel so normal about it so thank you! Here’s to an amazing March x please feel free to check my blog out -

  22. So glad things are looking up! I was able to come off meds for panic attacks in Feb so hopefully things are looking up. Sending you good vibes!
    Katy at Learnervegan

  23. I'm so sorry to hear that February wasn't good for you. Sending lots of good vibes and I hope March is better xx

    Hannah | luxuryblush

  24. I'm glad you ended February on a higher note but I hope that March is an all round great month for you! xxx

  25. Sorry to hear about February for you but I'm wishing you a beautiful March :)

    Natonya |

  26. Sorry about February. I definitely feel your pain; it was rough. But I just found your blog and I'm loving it so far.

  27. Went to a lot of book sales/book fairs this February 😅 hoping for a good month for you! 😊

  28. I had some very similar struggles in February. Thanks for Sharing! Here's to a much better month in March!

  29. i am sending you all the good vibes for March to be the best it can be!

  30. I can relate to the anxiety! It's awful :( I also had a pretty rough February. Just trying to hold on because I know the things that I dread happening are either going to happen or not happen...but either way me stressing about them won't change the outcome. Hope your March is better!!

  31. I really hope March is better for you x

  32. I like how you look back at the past month and have a positive outlook to the next one! Hope March brings you happiness. :)

  33. I love your positive attitude about March. Wishing you all the best!

  34. I'm sorry your February was not good .i truly hope that March finds you healthy in body and mind!

  35. I'm sorry about the bad news in February. At least things calmed down towards the end of the month. Hope you'll have an amazing March ♥♥♥.

    Nancy ♥

  36. I’m sorry to hear you had a rough month but I admire your positive outlook! Wishing you all the best for March ☺️
