Friday, 29 March 2019

Pillow Talk | Honest & Open Q&A

I adore reading Q&A blog posts by my favourite bloggers, but I can't help but feel like a lot of the time people hush around certain topics or questions that they've been asked. So I thought I would do my own Q&A blog post answering all kinds of different questions (some of them very naughty and rude!) asked by my readers so go grab yourself a drink and a snack because I got a lot of questions to answer.

Please note: I got asked a lot of the same type of questions so I've sort of put questions together as good as possible so if you've asked a question and you don't see your actual question I will have answered it via another question. I haven't skipped any questions I was asked and every one of these questions has been sent to me by my readers via my Tumblr ask box and my Twitter direct messages.


When and why did you start blogging?
I started blogging because I was really unwell with my very first (then undiagnosed) ulcerative colitis flare up and was bored so started blogging. I made my first blog when I was twelve years old on a website called GirLand, I'm now nearly thirty and in all of the years I've been doing this I've had blogs on websites like Tumblr, FreeWebs, Webs, MySpace, WordPress, GirLand which I've already mentioned, and now Blogger which I adore. I only posted three or four posts on my very first blog and it wasn't known as blogging then, it was more about me keeping a journal online and getting my views and opinions out there.

What has been your proudest moment in blogging and why?
My proudest moment was when I received a letter from the editor of a magazine asking me if I'd like to have a column in their fortnightly magazine because they liked what I was putting online. I was fourteen at the time and I'd never been prouder than myself. Because of all my hard work at the magazine I was introduced to so many amazing people and by the time I was twenty one had worked with three wonderful magazines.

I'm really new to the blogging world some I'm just wondering if you have any tips on blogging in general?
Generally, I'd just say go for it. Blog about whatever you feel like, what you love and what motivates you or inspires you. Blogging is something you can't get wrong and even if it feels like it takes forever you'll find your place in the world of blogging and love it.

Do you do many sponsored posts? How much do you charge (on average) for a blog post?
I do, and it really depends on what the brand wants from the post - how many pictures, how many links, follow or no follow links, etc. I do offer free advertising packages for both brands and bloggers which you can take a look at Advertising for Brands and Advertising for Bloggers.

Who are your favourite YouTubers?
I don't really watch many YouTubers main channels to be honest, I really love vlog channels more and I don't actually follow many YouTubers but these are the small few that I do - Michael Sealey, Be Inspired, Wright at Home, Niomi Smart, More Zoella and I've recently started following Will Smith's vlog channel too.

What kind of camera do you use to take pictures for your Instagram and your blog? Your pictures are always so clear and lovely.
I don't own a camera whatsoever I use my mobile phone camera to take pictures. My pictures have either been taken by the Samsung Galaxy Alpha or the Samsung A3.

Who has been the worst brand that you have worked with?
I've never posted a blog post for a brand that I don't love. However, there has been a few brands over the years who have tried to work with me and been really funny aka wanted me to work for free or for me to pay full price for their products myself with free postage to review on my blog etc which I don't like as I feel that brands and bloggers should help each as much as possible. I've also been in touch with a few brands who have sent me products and when the product wasn't the best or hasn't worked for me that they have told me very rudely not to publish a post on my blog or social media and then blocked me - in these cases it's only been if the product hasn't turned up and was lost in the mail or if I've had an allergic reaction to their products.

Have you met any bloggers in real life?
I have. Blogging events are great for this because you get to meet people who love doing exactly the same as you do and you can relate and share your experiences and wisdom with them and learn theirs.

What has been the best and worst blogging event you've been to?
My favourite ever event was when I got to visit Vogue House in Liverpool when I was twenty-three and we all meet some designers and talk about all things beauty, fashion and lifestyle and the gift bag was to die for! And the worst was a blog event held in Ameriesko Liverpool (you can read about this event by clicking here) thankfully the place has now closed down. The event itself was amazing but the location was terrible and the staff treated me vile because I am disabled.

What do you think of the people who blog to get free stuff or who want to be the next Zoella? Do you want to be the next Zoella?
I personally never want to be the next Zoella, I just want to be the first Alisha Valerie and that's how I hope every blogger sees it. I don't like it when people diss more well-known bloggers like Zoella because they work their arses off making their blog and life as good as you see it is. I think it's great that there are bloggers, like Zoella, out there who have made this whole new different way of "being more well-known" because I've found that bloggers are a lot more honest with products and items than "celebrities" who are being paid to say the words they say are. However, I don't like the thought of a blogger only blogging to receive free products o copying someone else and not being original.


I saw that you were a makeup artist, is it true?
I studied to be a makeup artist at Hope University and after uni, I made a decision to become a full-time blogger instead of being a full-time makeup artist.

What are your favourite two beauty products?
Lip balm and moisturiser. If I was stranded on a deserted island they would be the beauty products I would want with me.

What do you think is the best place to buy gems and crystals etc for your nails? How do you apply gem and crystals to your nails? Do you do nail tutorials?
I don't do nail tutorials anymore but I used to on my Tumblr so if you have a browse on there you'll be able to find some. I use the Barry M Cosmetics nail polishes and I buy my nail gems and crystals from places like Amazon and eBay as they're really cheap.

Whats your favourite high end or drugstore makeup and where do you shop for it?
I adore Superdrug and must go there at least once a week. My favourite makeup brand ever is Barry M Cosmetics and I also love Superdrug's own brand B. Cosmetics products. Super cheap and so, so wonderful!

Why do you dye your hair so much? What hair dye do you use?
I dye it so much because I like change and I change my hair every season if I can find a colour that I love. There has been a couple of times when I've been put on medication where my hair has thinned out terribly so I like to change it up and look after my hair the best way possible. I use Superdrug's own brand hair dyes, I've also use Derma V10 hair dyes in the past too.


What's it like being on cannabis?
It's actually the best thing that I've been on, ever. I can really feel the improvement in my health that it's given me already and I really love that it's a natural organic medication that hasn't been tested on animals.

How come you have been on daily chemotherapy for more than ten years?
I suffer from ulcerative colitis. I've been living with this condition for over fifteen years now and it's a hell of a thing to go through. The pain can become so bad that some days when in a flare my body can just completely shut down.

What exactly is wrong with you and when were you diagnosed?
I have RA (rheumatoid arthritis) diagnosed February 1995, UC (ulcerative colitis) diagnosed February 2001, Osteoporosis diagnosed September 2011 and Anemia diagnosed in 2014.

You do know that Andrew Wakefield was thrown out of the UK for his stupid comments?
#The people who say these things don't live with the facts. What type of six-year-old child develops RA? None. It was caused by the government and Dr Wakefield was the only person brave enough for speaking out for what he not only believes in but can also prove.

Have you ever tried to commit suicide?

How long have you had RA?
I was diagnosed with RA in February 1995 when I was just six years old. My RA was caused by having the MMR vaccine in November 1994.


How old is Daisy? What breed is she? How long have you had her? She is so cute!
We have had Daisy since she was six weeks old. She is two years old and a miniature Jack Russell.

Why are you not friends with LT anymore?
We are two completely different people with two completely separate lives. We have tried a couple of times to be friends but it has never worked out, I think personally that you can't push a friendship and that it has to happen naturally, sadly this wasn't the case for us and we are better off not in each other's lives. I wish LT all the best in her life and in her future.

What do you like most about your best friend(s)?
No matter what they are always there for me and support me no matter what.

What are your best friend(s) name? Are they a blogger too?
I have two best friends; one is called Lauren who I've known since I was thirteen years old, we met when we were on a school placement course, a she is the same age as me and now lives over five thousand miles away in Los Angeles. However, we always keep in touch and don't go a week without having a proper catch-up. The other one is Colin who I've known for ten years, we met when I was nineteen years old in at a U2 tribute gig in a local pub and he lives in Liverpool.

Do you have any siblings? Tell us about them.
I do, I have a younger brother who I call 'Moo'. He's going to be nineteen this June and he literally is everything to me, even though we are so completely different people in every way possible, we are so close and he means the world to me. I really don't know what I would do without him.

Do you still keep in touch with any friends you've known since kindergarten?
I do. My oldest friend is a guy called Peter who even still to this day is always there for him like I am for him. We may not see each other as much as we'd like to do so but whenever I need him he has always been there for me, I know he's just a call away.

What has been the scariest thing to happen to you this year so far?
I nearly lost my two grandparents within two weeks. It killed me and I am so thankful that they're both not well and doing so good.


What is your bra size and where do you shop for your underwear?
My bra size is a 36GG. I shop for my underwear at Asda George. I've tried shopping at other stores but nowhere really seems the same as their bras.

What is your idea of a romantic evening?
My favourite homecooked meal with my husband then snuggles whilst watching one of my favourite movies with a bottle of red wine and ready salted walkers crisps.

How long have you and Morphilms been married for and why did you bring your wedding forward?
We have been married for four years this year and we brought our wedding forward as my Grandfather was diagnosed with prostate cancer and one of his wishes was for us to be married in my family church. Thankfully, my Grandfather is doing really well now.

What colour underwear are you wearing right now?

When was the first time you lost your virginity?
I don't really want to discuss this on my blog for respectful reasons for my ex but I will say that I was 19 years old and it was with my long-term boyfriend.

What is the best compliment you have ever received?
"I can't even think about spending my life without you, I want to spend the rest of my life loving you. Will you marry me?"

What attracts you to the opposite sex first?
Hair, eyes, lips, butt.

What would make you divorce your husband?
If he cheated on me or lied to me.

How many relationships have you been in?
Three serious ones.

What first attracted you to your husband?
We were best friends for years and then he fell for me, which kind of made me fall for him.

Have you ever had your heart broken? Who by? When was it? What was the reason?
Yes, three times. I'm not going to name names but I was cheated on by two and the third one lied to me.


Is it true you have recently moved home? How come?
We did yes, we moved home in Springtime last year. The neighbour hated me for having disabilities and we dealt with a lot of hate crime because of it.

Your home is so lovely. What are your three favourite stores to buy home decor from?
Thank you. I adore B&M, Home Bargains, The Range and Poundworld.

Where is it you used to live exactly? Was it Prescot in Arizona? Do you miss living in Prescot? Why did you move back to Liverpool?
No no, I wish I lived in America. I lived in Prescot Merseyside for a few years - it was amazing and I miss it very much. But I don't regret my move to Liverpool at all.

What is your new home like? Are you going to do room tours?
Our new home is amazing and I love it so much! I will do room tours once the rooms are finally done but I don't think that is going to be done until next year.


If you could keep only one thing out of everything you own; what would it be and why?
My teddy called Jason.

You have three wishes; what do you wish for and why?
I'd love to be able to hold my daughter. I'd love to have enough money to sort out new home out with decorating etc. I'd love to go on honeymoon with my husband finally.

If you had to spend the day in hell or heaven, where would you choose and why?
Heaven, so I can see all the people that have sadly passed over who I miss dearly.

If you died tomorrow, how would you like people to remember you?
I'd hope that they remember me as being a kind, friendly, positive woman who always tried to see the best in people and wanted to make a difference in the world.

What's your favourite moment of the day and why?
I adore mornings that time just before 5am when Phil's alarm for work goes off and we have a little snuggle before he gets out of bed and then I get up myself and can hear the birds singing and ducks quacking outside. I really adore it.

What superpower would you like to have and why?
I'd love to be able to fly. Just take off and fly anywhere I wanted to go.

What is your favourite ever quote?
"There are so many reasons to be happy. Happiness is a right, a privilege that you deserve - you're always as happy as you decide to be."

Because you're from Liverpool and she is too, do you know Jemma aka Dorkface?
I've met her a few times at blogging events etc and she is a lovely friendly woman but we aren't close friends or anything. However, I do recommend you follow her as she is an awesome blogger and a great artist too.

What is your favourite food and drink?
Curry and coffee.

If someone was thinking about trying Vegan meals, what would you suggest to try?
Experiment and make your own ones! However, the Linda McCartney meals range from the supermarkets are super yummy.

Whats your favourite programme to binge watch on a weekend?
I prefer movies really, Disney movies on a weekend are the best.

What are your top three ever TV shows you could watch all day long?
Eastenders, Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Daria.

What are three facts I'd be surprised to hear about you?
I can speak some French.

What is your favourite ever song?
Pink Floyd - Another Brick in The Wall, Part 2.

What height are you?
5foot exactly.

What was the last movie you watched?
Disney's, The Little Mermaid.

What was your favourite subject at school?
I had three: art, history and maths.

Do you have any tattoos or piercings?
I don't. I've had hennas in the past and would love a tattoo one day but I have to wait until all the chemotherapy is out of my body.

What football team do you support?
Everton football club.

With love, Alisha Valerie. x