Thursday, 1 February 2018

Hello February!

"February arrives cold, wet and grey, her gifts disguised for only the most discerning spirits to see. Gentle is our path. Gratitude is the thread we weave into the fabric of our daily lives this month, giving thanks for our simply abundant lives and asking for the gift of one thing more: grateful hearts" - Sarah Ban Breathnach.

Chapter 2 of 12

I hate January. Everyone is always trying to change themselves "New Year, New You" and then feel really disappointed with themselves if they don't stick to the silly-amount of goals they set themselves. It sucks and its shit. Whats wrong with just being your unique self and not changing? Whats wrong with loving who you are now? Sodding nothing! I love February however. In February there is everything to hope for and nothing to regret. February is the time where winter is nearly over and Spring is just around the corner. Spring is one of my favourite months; fresh flowers and warmer weather are always lovely. By the end of February, everyone is in good moods and I really believe it's down to February being the month of love.

During this month of love, focus on loving more than just those closest to you, love everyone but most importantly, love yourself. If you see drama online, mute the people and don't get involved. If you see bullying, speak up and stand up for the person being bullied online or otherwise. If you see cruelty to animals, the elderly, children, anyone at all speak up and use your voice! Take time out for self-care for free; have a pamper at home and do a facial or your nails, go out for a walk in your favourite park, or do my favourite thing to relax and listen to a Michael Sealey meditation on YouTube. Please just look after yourself.

If you have anxiety or depression or just bad days please remember that even on your worst days it's okay to be sad, it's okay to be confused, it's okay to not know your next step, it's okay to feel like everything is falling apart around you as long as you just keep going. You'll figure it out and I am here for you whenever you need to talk, my inbox is always open to everyone. If you'd prefer to do it anonymously then message me here instead. Please don't think you're alone.

I'm wishing you all the best February possible whatever way you're spending the month ahead and I'm sending you all so much love, happiness and positivity.

With love, Alisha Valerie. x


  1. Wishing you a very positive February, Alisha! I definitely agree that loving yourself is incredibly important, self-care is so often neglected when really it should be prioritised! Ignoring and muting online drama is something that I have been consciously doing a lot of lately and it helps my mental state so much!

    Abbey xx

  2. I couldn't agree more with you babe. I'm sending you so much love and happiness this month beautiful, I hope you really had the best one possible. Thank you for your comment πŸŒΈπŸ’œ✨

  3. Wishing you a healthy and happy February! I'm glad January is over because it was just a generally boring and crap month for me. I usually love January so it's a shame that was the case. However, I did smash my monthly goals for January so that's a positive. Hopefully I can carry that over into Feb too!


    1. I'm so sorry to hear that you're January wasn't the best for you babe. I'm sending you so much love, happiness and positivity for your February and hope you have the best month possible. Thank you for your comment πŸŒΈπŸ’œ✨

  4. Hope February is an amazing month for you angel! January felt like the longest month ever!

    Love, Amie ❤
    The Curvaceous Vegan

    1. I know what you mean babe, January seemed to take ages. Thank you for your comment 🌸✨

  5. Seriously, though! Everyone spends so much energy feeling down on themselves in January... I'm happy it's over with! I hope you have an amazing February, I'm looking forward to spring as well!

    1. Thanks so much, and hope you do too! 🌸✨

  6. I hope you have an amazing February! I love that quote at the start of your post, it’s beautiful! xo
    Sian |

    1. Aww thank you so much Sian. Hope you have the most wonderful February! 🌸✨

  7. Wishing you a very happy February, Alicia! This post is beautifully written. I love your tips for loving yourself more. So many people put a huge pressure on having someone to love on Valentine’s Day. I say, treat yo self! Also, don’t ever think you’re alone either. My messages are always open if you feel you ever need someone to talk to.

    Gemma -

  8. I hope you have a wonderful February! I completely agree about spring! It’s so nice when you get to this time of year and know that spring is on its way!
    Charlotte |

    1. I'm so glad to hear you agree with me doll, thanks! 🌸✨

  9. Loving this! Have an amazing February x

  10. I definitely needed this today! February is definitely my month of self-love!
    XO, Harley

    1. I'm super happy that you agree with me darling, hope you have the best month ahead! 🌸✨

  11. January deffo lasts 34675 days doesn't it! so glad its feb! I hope you have a wonderful month.

    1. It seemed to just go on and on and on, so boring! Thank you, hope you do too! 🌸✨

  12. January was the longest month in the whole world!!! I am loving your goals and I know you’ll defo be able to smash them!

    1. Thank you so much Rosie, hope you have a fabulous month 🌸✨

  13. I love February. Which is weird because my birthday is in January but I love how Feb is romantic and still cold! But everyone seems to perk up a little after being so miserable in January haha. I suffer with anxiety and if I didn’t take those moments to look after myself it would be much worse. Some times it’s best to ride it out and accept that I will be ok. xxxxxx

    1. I couldn't agree with you more babe, I'm so happy to hear you agree with me. Happy February, hope you have a fabulous month 🌸✨
