Wednesday, 14 February 2018

Sharing Memories with Printiki

When I was recently contacted by Printiki* inviting me to work with them I jumped at the chance! I'd heard of Printiki lots of times in the past but had never gotten around to placing an order so when they asked me if I'd like to print off 30 pictures from them I was thrilled!

Printiki* is fueled by people with a passion for print and technology. They enjoy the technological innovations that put a camera in everyone's pocket and made a photographer of us all and they love to share these captures digitally but strongly believe there is something magical about a printed photograph. They are busy people just like you, so they understand you don't want to spend hours upon hours converting your digital memories to printed products which is why they create tools that make this process ridiculously easy for you. It's their mission to get every memory maker enjoy the emotional power of printed photographs.

I decided to print out memories from my mother's 50th birthday party, my brother's 18th birthday party, my parents day out in London when they were supporting Vaxxed and a few of our gorgeous little pup Daisy. I picked the Printiki* Retro Square M 4x4" for my pictures and love how cute they are! Since today is Valentine's Day I wanted to share a little treat with you lovely lot as a thank you for all of your support so I have a brilliant code for money off some of your own pictures using Printiki*! So, if you'd like to print out some of your favourite memories then *CLICK HERE RIGHT NOW* and you can use my code "NU2WVBZ4" at the check out for free shipping! Please don't forget to follow Printiki on their Instagram account to once you've printed your pictures off and tag them in your pictures for a like!

I can't wait to see all of your memories that you print off. Please remember that a lot of the time you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory and today's moments are tomorrow's memories so make sure you enjoy your Valentine's Day this year in it's fullest value and remember to take loads of pictures!

With love, Alisha Valerie. x


  1. I absolutely love Printiki! They do such amazing prints!

    Love, Amie ❤
    The Curvaceous Vegan

    1. I couldn't agree more babe, they're fab! Thanks for your comment 🌸✨

  2. Such a great idea - I love having photos printed x

    1. These are the best place to check out then babe! Some of the designs and prints are wonderful. Thanks for your comment 🌸✨

  3. I hadn't heard of Printiki before reading this post so it was nice to learn about it! Seems pretty good to me! I love printing out photos of memorable events and being able to keep them.

    1. I adore pictures too babe! Hope you check out this brand and fall in love with them like I have done. Thanks for your comment 🌸✨

  4. I've seen Printiki about and I've always been intrigued by what they do and seeing posts like this just make me want to go buy a load of pictures. Thank you for sharing.

    1. Thanks for your comment, hope you check them out and get some pictures for yourself 🌸✨

  5. Lovely photos, Alisha! I've heard of this brand before and seen them on a fair few blogs. I think it's a lovely idea and I much prefer printed out photos that you can hold - they feel so much more special!


    1. I know what you mean lovely! I love printed pictures so much. Thanks for your comment 🌸✨

  6. That's really cool! Your doggy is adorable!

    Raindrops of Sapphire

  7. These look lovely! I'll definitely have to look into them as I love getting printed copies of photos xo
    Sian |

    1. Oh babe please check them out as they really are so fab! Thanks for your comment 🌸✨

  8. Oh I love this! I used to have a Polaroid camera but I sold it and I miss it so much. This would be great to print off our travel photos and put in the scrapbook!

    Jessica & James | /

    1. I couldn't agree more with you guys! These pictures are perfect for scrapbooking and keeping memories. Thank you for your comment 🌸✨

  9. Saving memories is my fave! Cute photos! I love the polaroids!!

    With love,

    1. I couldn't agree more! Thanks for your comment 🌸✨

  10. Hi. I only ever read good things about Printiki what a lovely way to compare 2 generations celebrations.

    1. Hiya! You should really place an order for some pictures yourself lovely. Thanks for your comment 🌸✨

  11. Ahhhh I just had a load of prints done through Snapfish but I'm definitely going to check out Printiki next time! I love the polaroid style print, its lovely :-)
    Kate x

    1. I've never heard of Snapfish so will check them out. I really can't recommend Printiki enough lovely, they are amazing! Thank you for your comment 🌸✨

  12. The prints look Great! The quality seems to look really good too, I'm to start scrapbooking photos soon so I will definitely think about using this business when I print them :)

    Kate |

    1. These are perfection for scrapbooking lovely so I hope you do order some and fall in love with them like I have done. Thank you for your comment 🌸✨

  13. Ooh, I haven't heard of Printiki before but I love Polaroid-style photos and I can never find anywhere decent to get some printed, so I'll definitely be checking them out. Thank you!
