Monday, 26 February 2018

Why I Unfollowed You

At the start of this year I decided that I was going to go on an unfollowing spree on my social media networks, I unfollowed thousands of bloggers and I wanted to address this issue on my blog and explain why. I've kept following bloggers because I didn't want it to cause drama or upset anyone but I needed a clear out and I want to make it so crystal clear that the reason I unfollowed you does not make you a bad blogger whatsoever, it just means that we have different opinions and views and there is nothing wrong with that - what would it be like if we were all the same? It would be so boring. If I have unfollowed you recently, then it's been because of one of these reasons...

|| You Are a Bubble of Drama || Whenever there is drama happening within the blogging community, you're always one of the first ones to get involved. I'm all for sticking up for innocent people but what you do is bully. You name call and be so horrible towards some people that it breaks my heart for them. I don't want to follow someone who thinks of bullying someone as entertainment, so I had to unfollow.

|| You Are Too Negative || I can totally understand people who suffer from mental health, like myself, and have so many bad days through no fault of their own and post about it on their social media accounts as we all do it. But what I don't like is people who purposely moan and be negative about anything and everything for no reason whatsoever. You tweet things and retweet things which is not good for my own personal mental health as it affects me in so many ways so I had to unfollow.

|| You Never Post Anything || When going through the list of people I was following I noticed that there are accounts that people haven't logged into for years and have probably forgotten their password to by now and won't be logging into anytime soon, so I had to unfollow.

|| You Are Two-Faced || A little while ago I suffered a bit of bullying online from a group of bloggers who I thought were my friends; they used by personal issues against me, they told lies and spread rumours about me to other bloggers and then even went as low as to email brands and PR people I was involved in and working with telling them that I am a bad blogger who only wants free stuff. Blogging is my full-time job, I work damn hard to get my blog up to scratch so you know other blogging friends who I trusted and loved were trying to bring me down really hurt me and crushed me. There were a couple of bloggers who even stayed following me and made out they were my friends and they would talk about me behind my back, it was only when one of them slipped up by sending me a message which was meant for someone else that I found out. So I had to unfollow.

|| You're Not Cruelty-Free || I know everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and that is a great thing, but I can't bring myself to someone who only reviews items and products which have been tested on animals. Knowing how many amazing brands out there are cruelty-free, it breaks my heart whenever I log onto a social media account and see that someone has reviewed something which has caused so much hurt and pain to an innocent animal. I had to unfollow.

|| You Post Animal Abuse || Now don't get me wrong, there are so many amazing food bloggers who I follow who aren't vegan but, and as much as this statement may upset some people as it's going to be very blunt, I don't want to see decomposing animal flesh on my social media. Taking pictures of your prepared food is something we all do and I just skip them on my pages but when you constantly post pictures of your meal before it's been cooked and making fun of the animal, it makes me feel physically sick and so upset. So I had to unfollow. 

|| We Have Nothing in Common || As much as you're an awesome blogger, we have nothing in common and we have very different views. I'm a big feminist, I am a huge Jeremy Corbyn and Labour supporter, I'm a Vaxxed supporter, I'm not a Trump supporter. We just don't have anything in common, and that is okay, but I had to unfollow.

With love, Alisha Valerie. x


  1. All your reasons are so valid, and I respect this decision. I think it's important as a blogger to support other content creators, but you have no obligation to follow someone if they don't align with your values or if they aren't helping your mental health!

    1. I couldn't agree more, thanks for your comment! 🌸✨

  2. These are very important points, I think unfollowing can be so important for yourself. I've unfollowed one person lately because they follow and unfollow me constantly and I just can't do it anymore. It sets my anxiety on edge.

    Love, Amie ❤
    The Curvaceous Vegan

    1. Oh babe that is awful, sorry to hear that! You're amazing so please don't ever feel bad about unfollowing someone who is wrong for your life. Thanks for your comment! 🌸✨

  3. I’ve unfollowed quite a few accounts recently as they’re either not very active or I just don’t see their tweets/posts x

    1. Hopefully now you will see other peoples tweets 🌸✨

  4. Nothing wrong with an unfollow spree. I did that when i had to make a new account. Its almost refreshing to only have people you actually want to see what they post instead of a load of stuff you dont even look at on your feed.

    Rebecca Elaine x

    1. I'm so happy that someone said this because I couldn't agree more! Thanks for your comment! 🌸✨

  5. All of your reasons are so valid and I fully respect you for writing this post and letting people know why. I thank a lot of people are scared to unfollow people because they are worried about what might come afterwards but life if too short to follow / interact with toxic people.

    1. Thank you so much for your comment! I'm so happy to know you agree with me! 🌸✨

  6. I completely agree with your point about negativity. People who make you feel worse should be removed from your life for sure! x

    1. Thanks for your comment. It's good to know that you agree with me! 🌸✨

  7. Thank you so much! So happy to know you agree with me and what I said in this blog post. 🌸✨

  8. I hate people causing drama over unfollowing (unless its the follow to unfollow game)- people get so offended, I totally respect you only following people who are relevant to you!- x

    1. I'm so happy to hear that you agree with me lovely! It really bugs me when people play that game, so bloody annoying! 🌸✨

  9. I can't believe people emailed brands and PR people you were involved with, that's so low. That says far more about them though, definitely good to clear them out of your life. Hope your feed is a much happier place now - great post, with very valid points xx

    Lisa |

    1. I know, how childish and insulting is that? My feed is so much more chilled and stress free now which I love! Thank you for your comment doll 🌸✨

  10. These are all completely valid reasons for going through and unfollowing people - nothing quite as refreshing as going on an unfollow spree and focusing on people who you actually want to focus on!

    1. I couldn't agree with you more babe, it's such a lovely feeling when you've had a good clear out! Thank you for your comment 🌸✨

  11. I am commenting on this literally minutes after I've just done the exact same thing. About a month ago I was following over 1000 people. Now I am down to Just under 800. I also decluttered my Instagram and looked at the blogs of EVERY blogger I followed and either followed or unfollowed them on Bloglovin'.
    My reasons are pretty similar to you. I want to follow mostly cruelty-free accounts and if someone is tweeting and blogging about stuff I have no interest in then I don't really want to see it on my feed. This means I followed quite a lot of parent bloggers as I simply cannot relate to their content.

    I do this around twice a year as I find my feeds are much more enjoyable. Do I lose followers because of it? Of course I do! Do I mind? Not really. I get to enjoy social media more and I know my numbers will rectify themselves in time.

    Tea in the Tub

    1. I have noticed that I've lost some followers because of my unfollowing spree but to be honest it hasn't bothered me because I know that they're just not the type of people I want on my twitter feed!

      I'm so happy that you agree with me, thank you so much for such a long comment beautiful. Sending you so much love and positivity 🌸✨

  12. There’s nothing wrong with unfollowing people for any of these reasons! We’ve definitely unfollowed our fair share of accounts due to drama and having nothing in common!

    Jessica & James | /

    1. So happy to hear that you both agree with me. Sending you both so much love 🌸✨

  13. I think this is so important. You can't be a happy blogger if your unhappy with your TL x

    1. So happy to hear you agree, thanks! 🌸✨

  14. Yesss to this post! I’m glad someone has finally said it. I have a little social media cull every so often because of these repeat offenders

    1. Aww darling, thank you - I'm super happy to hear that you liked this blog post 🌸✨

  15. I think this is such a great post! I love that you have such valid reasons!

  16. Hi, I need to take a look at mine and do a review, all of your reasons are valid especially the negativity.

    1. I'm so happy to hear you think so babe! 🌸✨

  17. Ugh nothing worse than negative people! I also like to follow positive, kind and "responsable" people on social media :)


    1. I'm super happy to hear that and I couldn't agree more with you, thank you for your comment 🌸✨

  18. I've just started going through my Instagram for the same reason, and my Twitter is next on my hit list. I think I follow a lot of inactive accounts, and ones that no-longer hold my interest, so I need a cull! :) Tania Michele xx

    1. So happy to hear that you've done this too babe, it makes you feel so much better! Thank you so much for your comment 🌸✨
