Monday, 29 July 2019

Five Things That Annoy Me About My Husband

AD | Hello my lovelies! My husband Phil and I have known each other for twelve years and we have been married for five years this year, so in all of that time, I think we pretty much know each other really well. And although there are so many things I completely love and adore about my husband, there are also some things that really irritate me about him.

| His Washing Basket | I don't know about anyone else's partners but mine doesn't know how to use a washing basket. My husband will get undressed and put his clothes either next to or on top of the washing basket, it drives me nuts. How is it so hard to take the top off and put his dirty washing inside? It is so annoying.

| His Driving | My husband is actually a pretty good driver, he looks after our car brilliantly, he doesn't speed and if you give him somewhere to go he will find his way there and back with no problem - which is great for when we have days outs or nights away. However, he forgets that some women (like myself) have massive boobs and when you don't break at a speed bump it feels like our boobs are going to hit us in the face and give us a black eye! No matter how many times I ask him to break at speed bumps, he never does. It is so annoying.

| His Cleaning | When my husband does clean and let's face it, it only happens when I tell him multiple times to do so, he puts things "away" but not in the place where they're supposed to go so when I go to look for an item when I need it, it's not in its place and my husband has forgotten where he put it. It is so annoying.

| His Cooking | I'll totally admit, my husband is a great cook - he can make a meal out of anything. However, I can never understand why he has to use every single dish and piece of cutlery in our home to make a simple pasta. I hate walking into our kitchen after he has been cooking to find that there are so many dishes in and around our sink to be washed and put away. It is so annoying.

| His Snoring | My husband always falls asleep when he lays on his back and the snores like a docker! Even though I ask him not to every single time we go to bed not to lay on his back so he doesn't snore, he still does so and wakes me up every single night. It is so annoying. 

I'd love to know if your partner is similar to mine? What are the things that annoy you about your partner? Let me know by leaving me a comment below?

With love, Alisha Valerie. x


  1. These are also so similar to things that really annoy me about my boyfriend! I think some of the time it’s just a man thing. I’ll ask him to tidy and he tries but it’s definitely not my standard of tidy so I end up doing it myself anyway! X

  2. Oh, the boob thing, yes! Haha! This cracked me up!
    One thing that bugs me about my hubby, and it's not his fault, is just how darn fast he can fall asleep! His head hits the pillow and two minutes later he's out. Me? An hour later I'm still lying there trying to figure out where in the hell my daughter's favorite shirt could have gone, or how can Pluto go from being a planet to not, and back again? ��

  3. Yes to the snoring and the driving girl! Must be a man thing haha

  4. My boyfriend's cleaning annoys me so much too! It's lovely that he tries to help but I may aswell just do it myself as he doesn't do it properly haha! x

  5. Hahaha. Hoy made me laughs with this so much. I completely agree about the whole sharing thing. So annoying!

  6. My boyfriend version of clean is not the same as mine! Really relate to this post x

  7. HAH, what a fun post. Sometimes you really just need to let it out.

  8. The driving would make me go crazy too. I'm really not a fan of the washing thing either, of he could get it next to the basket why not in it!?

  9. I'm the one that doesn't tidy up enough for my husband ha.

  10. Great post! There's plenty that annoys me about my boyfriend too x


  11. My husband only snores after a beer so fortunately not that much - I couldn't cope every night!!

  12. Aww I love this. As much as I love my husband and wouldn't be without him, we definitely annoy each other most days! xx

    Tiffany x

  13. I am with you on lots of these, my husband does the same!

    Love, Amie ❤

    The Curvaceous Vegan

  14. LOL!! This was so funny! Poor hubby! xD This is why I'm a single lady! haha!

  15. Haha! Mine snores when he’s been drinking x

  16. This made me laugh so much. It's funny how these things are so similar for everyone x


  17. hshaha I am laughing my head off at this post! I love my man but he annoys me so much - the snoring omg!
