Monday, 27 January 2020

My Morning Routine | January 2020

AD | Hello my lovelies, happy Monday! I really don't want this to sound like I'm being bigheaded but I get asked all of the time to share how I stay motivated every day and how I keep everything organised, so I thought today I would share my morning routine with you all. My routine changes with the seasons but this is my typical day during the winter months.

| 5.00am | My husband's alarm goes off and he gets out of bed for work, meanwhile, once he gets out of bed our little princess doggy Daisy jumps in bed with me and we have some morning cuddles. I make sure that I don't touch my mobile-first thing in the morning as I feel like it can be very distracting and I love my little morning cuddles with our Daisy without distractions of the world.

| 6.00am | My alarm goes off and I make sure not to snooze it, if I've gotten good sleep the night before and gone to bed at a reasonable time then there is no need for me to snooze my alarm, so it's time for me to start waking up. Around this time I usually do a morning meditation, I've spoken before about Michael Seeley's YouTube channel and how much I love it. I've recently started meditating to Johnnie Lawson's YouTube channel, I just adore waking up listening to nature and the birds singing.

| 6.15am | After my little meditation, it's time for me to get out of bed, pop my housecoat on, then I go into our bathroom to brush my teeth as I hate bad-tasting breath of a morning. I've recently been using the XOC Hemp Toothpaste* toothpaste.

| 6.30am | Time for a morning shower. I use Soap and Glory Face 'Soap and Clarity' 3-in-1 Daily Vitamin C Facial Wash to exfoliate my face, and the Soap and Glory 'The Scrub of Your Life' Smoothing Body Scrub to scrub my body. I adore my Superdrug Mix & Fizz Pink Fizz Bath and Shower Gel for washing my body but my favourite thing about taking a shower is washing my hair as I have been using the Xpel Hair Care Hemp Shampoo* and Xpel Hair Care Hemp Conditioner* recently, these products have been helping my hair so much, keeping it looking and feeling so fresh and shiny.

| 7.00am | I'm usually out of the shower around this time, yes I take ages in the shower. I have a chronic illness so sometimes I feel shattered of a morning and need the extra time to wake my body up slowly. Once I'm out of the shower I go back into my bedroom and moisturise my face, dry my hair and get dressed.

| 7.30am | Time to head downstairs, have breakfast and hydrate. I have always been a fan of having breakfast each morning, it's a great way to burn calories by kickstarting your metabolism. My go-to breakfast is usually something so simple but tasty like toast with some dairy-free butter on it, and sometimes a small apple. I have been loving drinking water with freshly sliced lemon in it of a morning to help wake me up more and flush out any harmful toxins from my body.

| 8.00am | After a colder drink, I'm so strange and I love than having a warmer drink to heat my bones back up. I sit and go through my to-do list whilst drinking my warm drink, which is usually a latte, I sit down with my blogging notepad and go through my to-do list, set some (realistic) goals for the day of what I would like to get accomplished and go through all of my notes for my meeting.

| 9.00am | Every morning at this time I have a meeting with my management. We basically just talk about everything that I need to get done that day, brand/company opportunities that I may want to consider working with, upcoming article and social media ideas, what is coming up on the morning ITV shows, etc.

| 9.15am | Once my meeting with my management is over, it's time to me to start replying to all of my new emails, comments and messages and I usually try and take some time to then return all comments which have been left on my website too.

| 10.25am | If you follow me on my twitter account then you'll probably already know already that on Monday's to Thursday's you'll have probably seen what I tweet about the ITV* morning shows This Morning and then Loose Women in the early afternoon. I actually do this as part of my management as to keep the conversations going online of what the show is talking about that day.

Is your morning routine similar to mine? Do you even have a morning routine or do you wing it every day? I'd love to know what your morning routine consists of so please leave me a comment below?

With love, Alisha Valerie. x


  1. Ever starting my new job I just haven’t managed to find myself a good and consistent morning routine but this has really inspired me - though I’m not sure I could get up at 5! I think 6ish is early enough for me!

  2. I get up at half six and leave for work at half seven without breakfast lol xx

  3. Wow! You definitely sound like a morning person! I don't think I could possibly wake up at 5 or 6am..I get up at 6:50am every morning and it's a huge struggle. It's something I want to work on in 2020, as this would mean I would have time to hit the gym before work xx

  4. Wow what a morning routine! I used to wake up at 6am but nowadays it's 7:30-8am that I rise out of bed! x

    Lucy |

  5. Very busy morning by the looks of things, not sure I could manage a 5am start!!

  6. You're definitely a morning person! I love an early start where I feel productive but, I only tend to wake up at 6am on days where I'm working and need to be out the house by 6:30am. On my days off I always struggle to wake until after 10am. I don't know how you do it but I've loved learning about how to spend your mornings.

    Kate |

  7. Your morning routine is what I ASPIRE to. I'm a "sleep-too-late-hit-the-snooze-button," kind of gal, though I'm trying to be better. I'm not a morning person, but my schedule will be changing soon, so I have to become a morning person FAST! I'll keep your routine in mind as I make my adjustments. Great post!

  8. We have the exact same routine at 5am. Hubby gets up for work and pupper jumps in the bed with me for cuddles haha! It's a good life.

  9. Your morning routine sounds very relaxing. Great idea to have hydration be a part of it. I'm too quick to hit the coffee - I have to try this instead!
    My Best Friend Adeline

  10. This is such a lovely morning routine! I'm trying to train myself to wake up at 6am as well(so far I'm failing but I'll get there). I just want to be more productive and a good morning routine will help me out a lot. Loved reading ♥

  11. I love reading morning routines, especially yours! It's really interesting! btw you get up SOOO early haha!

  12. Cuddles with Daisy is the best thing ever!

    Love, Amie ❤
    The Curvaceous Vegan

  13. Such a great morning routine. I also wake up at 6 am too. I find I am way more productive in the mornings and if I sleep in, then I don't get as much done!

  14. Honestly your morning routine sounds wonderful. I need something a bit more structured like this to be more productive.

  15. I love this! Glad I'm not the only one who has a hot and cold drink in the morning! It helps rehydrate me from the night! Plus I can vouch and say that all Daisies give the best hugs! xD

  16. I sometimes wake up at 5 in the morning, sometimes even 4 if I have a long jog or workout planned. You seem like a productive person! I'm glad you have found a schedule and daily routine that fits your needs ♡

    —Athena Christy

  17. My morning kicks off the same way yours does - my husband gets up before me to go to work and when he does both of my dogs (definitely not little lol but they think they are) hop into bed for snuggles until it's my turn to get up lol

  18. I'm so impressed by your morning routine! I need to get better about (1) not turning off my alarm and sleeping in and (2) making time to prep a breakfast or at least coffee + toast in the AM.

    xo, LP |

  19. Wow early bird! Your morning routine puts mine to shame!
