Monday, 19 August 2019

Our Bedroom Tour | Summer 2019

Hello my lovelies! I've been asked to share an article all about our bedroom in our new home, so that's exactly what I'm doing today. When we moved into our home there was nothing (and I mean nothing, we didn't even have a kitchen fitted when we viewed the house) so we have put a lot of hard work into doing it up to our own taste. I really hope you enjoy taking a peek inside our bedroom.

These are the before pictures of what our bedroom was like when we moved in and again after we had the wooden flooring removed and our new carpet fitted...

There are the after pictures...

What do you think of our bedroom? What's your bedroom like? I'd love to know your thoughts so please send me a tweet and let me know? Wishing you all an awesome day!

With love, Alisha Valerie. x