Sunday, 1 March 2020

Hello March | 2020

AD | Hello my lovelies, happy March and a very happy Sunday to you all! I hope you're all having a really wonderful weekend and start to your month. I'm so happy that March is here and that Spring is going to start. I have hated the cold weather, I hate being freezing and I cannot wait to see the flowers blooming and feel the fresher air coming. Here's to a new fresh start...

This February marked sixteen years I have been diagnosed with ulcerative colitis and twenty-three years being a sufferer. I've spoken about this before on my website in various articles, but for some reason this year left a massive mark on my life. I've also spoken in the past about coming off daily chemotherapy after nearly fifteen years and started taking cannabis for my health instead, but for some reason lately, I have felt so thankful for being brave enough to believe in myself and prove all of the doctors wrong. I advise anyone who is suffering from any health condition to try cannabis for their health or at least take the time to research it for yourself, and not just take the word of a medical professional who was taught cannabis is bad at university. Believe in yourself and always trust your gut instinct.

I started February feeling a little bit confused due to the fact of Brexit. After following it all in the media, like everyone else, feeling a little scared of what the future is going to turn out like. As a Labour voted and a Non-Leave voter, I didn't know how to feel at all or what to expect.

I also started the month in a lot of pain with my shoulder, for no reason whatsoever, after a few hospital appointments I found out I had 'bone-on-bone' in my shoulder and shoulder blade - the pain is like no other. I was given numbing patches for my back and shoulder and although I was really hoping that they would work, after five days I wasn't feeling anything from them so had to get another emergency appointment and was given a steroid injection to help the pain - thankfully it does a little, but not a lot. I just feel so grateful for our NHS that I was able to get an emergency appointment at such short notice.

During the middle of the month, we had a massive sort out of our home and donated a lot to charities and our local Dogs Trust centre. Our home feels cleared and all sorted out which makes me feel so wonderful - does anyone else feel bliss when their home is completely sorted out? We even had our upstairs bathroom, pantry, back hallway, front hallway and upstairs landing painted, I feel like we're now living in a new home even though we aren't! February ended really horribly, I found out that two of my family members have passed away unexpectedly and I honestly it has been a little bit of a rollercoaster for me. I'm actually really happy that it's over with. Here's to a new month and new goals... 

How was your February? What did you get up to during the month? What did you do for Valentines Day? Leave me a little comment on love below and let me know your thoughts and views. I'm sending you all so much love x

With love, Alisha Valerie. x


  1. The satisfaction I feel after a good clean up? I love it, so worth it!
    Cora |

  2. Woow you had a a lot going on on February ! mine was okay with not much things ! We had a dinner at the valentines day (it's was amazing!!)!!

  3. I had a massive sort out of clothes and donated to the local clothes bank for the air ambulance xx

  4. It's really nice that you sorted alot out within the house and donated so many things x

  5. Sounds like you've had a busy month!x

  6. Such a fresh feeling to have decluttered, isn't it! Well done!

  7. I cannot believe how much I can relate. Not personally but my life. My mum suffered with Colitis and was hospitalised and then was later diagnosed with diverticulitis. She also had to have a steroid injection in her shoulder. Our few years has been a rollercoaster too and I've felt like giving up. I just want to say I'm grateful to have come across you! I think you're wonderful. Thanks for being fab! X

  8. Sounds like you've had a busy but productive month!

    Love, Amie ❤
    The Curvaceous Vegan

  9. Sorry that you've been suffering so much! Mum used to suffer with the same with her back and shoulder. She said that the injections never lasted too long and had thought about medical cannabis at one point. She ended up having fentanyl patches instead! Hope March is treating you better! <3

  10. I'm so sorry to hear you've been suffering, but it's a new month and I know that you are one of the most optimstic people I know so it'll be a good one!
