Sunday, 1 September 2019

Hello September | 2019

Hello my lovelies! Well, September is here and for the first time in years, it actually felt to me like we had a decent Summertime that went on for a while instead of our usual quick one week of sun Summer that we usually have here in the UK. However, it really does upset me a lot that our planet is dying so quickly and we, humans, are the cause of it. Maybe this month some of you could set goals to help our planet and become a little more eco-friendly? Anyway, here is what I got up to last month...

The beginning of August started really well for me as I woke up on August first in Chester* with my husband on holiday, then on August 2nd we visited Chester Zoo* and as for the rest of the start of the month I really got my blogging mojo back and sunk into a busy routine of writing and doing lots of social media work - it was so lovely to start a month in such a wonderful way.

The middle of August was pretty much really chilled. My husband and I did a lot of stuff to our home; sorted it all out and donated a lot of things to charity, changed out living room around a little bit and it feels so much bigger, we had floorboards fitted in our attic so we can finally store things up there like our Christmas decorations etc - it was really great and it feels really spacious and like our home is ready for the Autumn months ahead.

August ended on a great note for me. We got our back garden sorted out with a fence so there is not a mini "secret garden" type thing happening, where we are gonna add a pond again to our garden as a feature without worrying that our little Daisy will fall into it and we have some new patio furniture as well as a beautiful wishing well which we have bought - I'm finally happy with how our garden is looking. All we need now is a greenhouse and firepit!

S E P T E M B E R  G O A L S -

[   ] Decorate For Fall - I've already started buying and making crafts for display in our living room for Autumn and I cannot wait! If you'd like to see our autumn-themed decorations then make sure you check out my Instagram account to do so.

[   ] Host a Chilli Night - I feel like a lot of times my life can be nonstop so I'd really like to have a chilled night this month with the internet turned off, phones on silent, candles and incent sticks lit, wine poured and a great movie on. Which brings me to my next goal...

[   ] Have a Movie Marathon - September for me I usually watch the Harry Potter movies as I think that is something that just needs to be done. 

[   ] Make a Fall-Themed Wreath - I have bought all of the bits I need to make this and I cannot wait to see what it's going to turn out like as it's got a bit of a twist to it. Make sure you follow me on Instagram to find out what it's going to be like!

Was August a good month for you? Have you enjoyed the summer? What did you get up to? Are you looking forward to the Autumn months or planning anything special for them? I'd love to know so please leave me a comment below!

With love, Alisha Valerie. x


  1. I'm so ready to get my pumpkins out to be honest!

    Love, Amie ❤
    The Curvaceous Vegan

  2. I am also really looking forward to Autumn! I think I'm just fed up of being so hot all the time haha! x

  3. A chilli night sounds absolutely amazing if I'm honestly! I can't wait to see your Halloween set up if you share it x

    Kayleigh Zara 🌟

  4. I feel like September always comes so fast - wrapping up the summer time weather and into fall/autumn! That’s great that you have your back garden all sorted, must have been nice to spend time there when the weather wasn’t too hot outside!

    August was great on my end! Summer went by quicker than I thought, but I am happy to start September on a high note :)

  5. Autumn is my favourite season so I love your goals for the month. I can't wait for the temperature to cool off a little and for it to be fully autumnal. My August went so quick! x


  6. August sounds like it was a fun month! Converting a secret garden into a not so secret garden? Delightful! And adding a pond? So cute! I love your September goals! I myself have already gotten out a few Halloween decorations (I don't have too many just fall decor), and a chili party and movie marathon sounds like a lot of fun- especially a Harry Potter one! I can't wait to see what September has in store for you :)

    Emily |

  7. Love your autumn goals. I feel like summer flew by but I’m also looking forward to the cosy autumn season. Anytime is a perfect time for watching Harry Potter


  8. Aw your garden sounds amazing! and you've defs got me in the mood for autumn!! I really wanna watch harry potter now haha!

    Anne //

  9. August was a busy month for me and I am actually post a blog on it next hehe .. enjoy September

  10. Sounds like you had a great August, and your plans for September are awesome too.
    Cora |

  11. Hi Alisha - I love your idea of setting some goals to be more eco-friendly. Big or small, they all make a difference. I'm going to do the same. Happy September! Sedona

  12. Completely agree - as soon as it turned September 1st it just felt right that it was Autumn especially after a hot summer! Having a movie marathon - especially if it's Harry Potter - is a great goal and one which I may give a go myself!

  13. That's sounds so lovely, and I'm really looking forward to autumn to truly arrive.
    August for me started with an operation of my foot, so I've mostly spend time on the couch watching netflix, which btw can get pretty boring after 4 weeks :P

  14. i love chester! i recently graduated from uni there so it means a lot to me! the zoo is so sweet too! so happy you had a lovely time and you have some great goals too! 💘💘

  15. Awesome. I really liked the way you've put the article together

  16. I'm so excited to decorate for fall!

  17. I'm so excited its Autumn too! What movies do you plan to watch for your movie marathon? I cant wait for cosy nights in reading a great book :) x
