Wednesday 1 April 2020

Hello April | 2020

Hello there my lovelies, good afternoon, happy Wednesday and a very happy April to you all! I am so happy that March is over and we are onto a new month, however, how is it already four months into this year? I don't know about anyone else but that seems so crazy to me.

I started the month feeling really rundown, heartbroken, anxious and really struggling to try to get out of a horrible rut and dark hole. If you've read my Hello March article then you'll already know but for those who don't, at the end of February, I lost two family members really suddenly - my great-auntie Rosie (my Dad's auntie) and my uncle John (my mum's brother). Attending both funerals really broke my heart and brought back so many memories of my late Nan passing away. All I can think is that they're in a much better place away from pain.

Towards the middle of the month, my husband took me away for a little overnight break which done me a world of good. I really needed to get away for twenty-four hours, clear my head and come back home feeling in a better mindset and mind frame, I would highly recommend it to anyone who is struggling with life right now.

In the middle of the month, we decided to stay isolated in our home due to the coronavirus. Due to my health always being up and down I didn't want to take any chances with being a crohnie and having some invisible illnesses. But thankfully that we have got our cooker in by an amazing hero who lives locally and wouldn't even take any money from us to do fit it - real hero right there! Are you isolating yourself due to the coronavirus?

March ended with me feeling worried but positive. There is a lot of unsure things happening in the world right now and I feel like the earth has sent us all to our rooms to think about what we have done and what we have caused. I am hoping that we can all take out of what is happened, be grateful for the people around us and be so thankful for all of the little things that we take for granted every single day.

Oh and on a little positive note, I would really love to know all of your thoughts on the picture in this post, please and thank you? I made it just before lockdown and wanted to share it as it was really easy to make the picture and wondered if it would be something that you'd like to see on my Instagram stories?

How was your March? Did you do anything exciting? Let me know your thoughts by leaving me a comment below, I'm sending you all so much love, kindness and happiness for a new month and Spring!

With love, Alisha Valerie. x


  1. I'm so sorry for the loss of your two family members. I'm here if you need to talk, lovely. I do hope April is kind to you <3

  2. I'm so sorry to hear about your loss lovely (always here if you need a chat about anything), it is really lovely that your partner took you away for a bit. March was a really weird month for me and bit everywhere! x

  3. I am so sorry for your loss. March has been such a rollercoaster of a month with all the coronavirus news and the way that it has turned the world upside down - I think we're all a little anxious about what April will bring but I do hope that it turns out to be a good month for you!

  4. March was pretty rocky for me as well. I love your picture in this post by the way. I honestly thought about earth telling us to go to our rooms too, especially after I heard that the ozone layer is better.

  5. I like your picture, it's really fun. It sounds like you might be able to use your creative outlet to help you with processing some of the things you are experiencing. I have been looking forward to this isolation period as a time for improvement and growth. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

  6. Your picture is lovely! I'd love to see a tutorial on Insta stories or on here. I hope April is better for you lovely xx

  7. I like the picture- spring is my favorite season and its so spring! I wish my husband were the type to wisk me away even for an overnight. He's very much not.

  8. Amazing that you managed to get your oven sorted. Especially as we're all having to stay in. The funerals must have been tough, I hope you guys are doing well at home x


  9. I hope April brings you lot of joy ❤️ March was a very up and down month for me, and I’ve been mostly isolating myself for three weeks by now. Only going out to grocery shop am go for a walk.

  10. I'm very sorry about your great- aunt and uncle. It sucks so much losing a loved one. I really like the picture here. I found your post on my comment thread on Twitter. My March was okay. We have just been staying in, the kids and I. Hubby has to work still.

  11. I'm so sorry for your losses Alisha, that's such heartbreaking news. I recently lost my Grandad at the end of February and his funeral we had in March, so I'm hoping for nicer things to come now (whenever that may be!) x

    Lucy |

  12. I'm so sorry for you loss, that's such bad news. I hope things get better for you lovely Bryony |bryonybaker

  13. I'm so sorry, lovely. Funerals don't get any easier no matter how many you do. I really hope that April treats you better! xxx

  14. Ellie Ferguson8 April 2020 at 20:01

    Sorry to hear how don you were feeling, but happy you are now feeling more positive. And that's lovely of your husband, sounds well needed! The piece you made is lovely :)

  15. I'm sorry to read this one my lovely!! Sending you all the love in the world!

  16. This year is going super quick. Sorry to hear you are having a bad time xx
