Monday, 20 April 2020

Five Things I've Been Doing More During The Coronavirus Lockdown

AD | Hello my lovelies, happy Monday! I really hope that you're all having a wonderful start to another week in lockdown. The one thing that I've been really grateful for whilst at home is being able to catch-up with everything and do things that have been on my to-do list for ages, so I wanted to take a moment to share the five things I've been doing more of during this strange time.

| Saving So Much More Money | I don't want to brag or sound big-headed at all but my bank balance has been so happy this month. I have saved so much money from being at home and using things around the house to entertain us, instead of going out bowling or for meals, we have been having household movie nights every Saturday and have been making more meals at home which has been really lovely. Has anyone else found that they have saved money this month or have you been spending it all online instead?

| Falling Back in Love With Blogging | If I'm one hundred per cent honest, I don't think I ever really fell out of love with blogging. But doing this amazing job full-time for so long, it can sometimes get overwhelming and sometimes I feel like producing content that I think my readers will want to read rather than content I want to share myself. That's changed recently and I've just been sharing whatever I want to and I've been loving it, and thankfully all of your great feedback means that you awesome lot have been loving it too!

| Catching Up With TV Shows | One of the best things that have happened during this lockdown is that I've been able to catch up on all of the shows and movies that I've been putting off watching due to life getting in the way. If you have any recommendations for TV shows or movies that you think I may enjoy then please leave them all in the comments below as I'd be super interested to know what you have been watching and loving.

| Doing More Gardening | If you've followed me for a while then you'll know that one of my goals since moving into our home two years ago was to do up our gardens because when we moved in they have been a big mess and so untidy and although we have managed it the best we can, I really wanted to do them up properly and add a brand new shed, add a new fence and gate to keep Daisy getting all the wildlife we get in our gardens, birdbath, vegetable growing plot to grow our own veggies, flower and plant rockery, fairy garden, patio area with new table and chairs etc. Due to this lockdown, we have managed to actually cross off everything on our garden to-do list and it feels so good to finally have a garden again that we can enjoy.

| Talking To More Family Members | I'm pretty close with my family anyway in general, but during this time I've been speaking to family members that I hardly ever see or speak to. You know those family members that you only ever see when someone gets married or passes away? Well, I've been having daily conversations with hem and it's actually been really lovely to have so many people back in my daily life.

Wha have you been doing more of during this strange time? What are you grateful for lately? Let me know by leaving me a little comment of love below. I'm sending you all so much love for another wonderful week indoors ahead! x

With love, Alisha Valerie. x


  1. We have done a bit in the garden and general sorting in the house which has been nice xx

  2. I would love to say that I've saved money but I think I've actually spent more as I had to buy food and things where I would usually eat at work! I love that you've saved more though, and I would love to see a tv recommendation post x

  3. Being able to enjoy more time with my family.

  4. I love this! Sadly I haven't saved much money this month, but I have certainly been spending it more wisely on topping up our electric meter for example and buying food. In recent days I've also found more motivation to get writing and have totally revamped my blog too, which I'm feeling so proud of today.

    Kate |

  5. I definitely have been saving some money too, I guess I often pop into the shops on my way home from work, which I can't really do now. Also my petrol seems to be lasting so much longer than usual, and I am still commuting into work!
    So glad you are falling back into love with blogging too, you have a fab blog!

    Thanks for sharing!
    Aimsy xoxo
    Aimsy’s Antics

  6. I SO completely agree with your statement about blogging. I mean, I didn't fall out of love - in fact, I just kicked off my newest blog this year, so I don't think I've had time to fall out of love with it yet lol However, being at home during all of this really sparked my love - specifically for my pet blog. I am connecting with it more than I ever thought I would and LOVING exploring new post ideas, affiliates, etc!

  7. Great post. I wish that I could do some gardening.

  8. Being home more gives us the chance to do what we couldn't do when we go to work. Spending time with family is great!

  9. I'm glad lockdown has helped you rekindle your love for your blog! I've been making so much effort to contact my grandparents, I usually see quite a lot of them so I've been making an effort to make sure we're in regular contact x


  10. I've saved some money too! I could have saved a lot more if I would just stop buying takeaways ever week though, haha xx

  11. I've found that I've been so productive with blogging lately! I've also saved money also! x

    Lucy |

  12. I feel like I've been doing more whilst in lockdown then I was doing before! I'm being more active with workouts, getting back into blogging too - I had a 4 month break and have just recently got back to it. I would love to be doing gardening and relaxing in the sun but I live in a flat so its been a bit more difficult to get some outside time other than the one daily exercise or trip to the shop.

    Chloe xx

  13. I don't know how I've been doing lol I've spent money online, haven't been interested in TV shows and haven't caught up much with anyone. To be honest, this time has made me go within. I guess I have to be strong first before I can be there for anyone. My moods have fluctuated lol there are no in betweens. Just taking it day by day. I am grateful for the mini break from the monotonous routine in my life before this outbreak. Great post, thank you for sharing.


  14. I can't agree more about saving more money during this time. Despite all the negatives of this pandemic, it has been a blessing for my finances!! Let's focus on the positives x

    Roni ♥

  15. I've been doing much the same - a little too much tv bingeing!

  16. Totally agree with you here! I have saved so much money, but then I've spent it online... oops. I'm definitely going to hold myself back in May though. It sounds like you've kept yourself busy which is great!

    Gemma |

  17. I've been catching up with tidying the house lol, it's something that doesn't seem to get done!! I've also been watching a lot more old TV shows that I used to love, I think the familiarity is somehow comforting!! :) xx

    Holly |

  18. This is a lovely post! I've saved a fair bit of money too from not having to commute to another city every day, it really adds up! I've also been falling back in love with blogging too. Hope you're keeping well Alisha xx

    Leanne | Latte Leanne

  19. I'm also really thankful for this time of not spending money! Such a large portion of my finances go on transport costs so not needing to spend money on buses and trains is a blessing in disguise

  20. Yes to all of the above except maybe the money bit. I was in the awkward position of moving into my flat during lockdown so I'm currently paying rent on a place I'm not even in. Ahhhh!
    I can't wait for all this to be over so I can actually move in haha.

    Tea in the Tub

  21. Saving money is huge for me! It’s amazing how much money you safe when you don’t eat out ... I've only bought a couple of things online since It’s been exciting to see my savings grow!

  22. I love reading what people have been doing. My latest post is about what me and my husband have been up to which includes work in our garden too. There are definitely positive things to staying home

  23. Glad you have found positives out of the lockdown and have been doing more of what you enjoy! Xx

  24. I really enjoyed reading this. I’ve been loving sitting in the garden, being able to film more videos for YouTube and blogging also. And watching lots of films on Netflix also.

    Isobel x

  25. I'm also trying to save money, I'm usually really good but do treat myself to the odd dress and new beauty bit when on my lunchbreak as I work in a busy town centre. Love this post, really optimistic and bright!

  26. I've been catching up on TV shows too!

    Love, Amie ❤️

    The Curvaceous Vegan

  27. Aww this is a lovely wrap up. It's nice to show there are some positives in it all, isn't it? I'm the same in regards to saving because not paying for my commute is making a big difference. And I was so uninspired with my blog before this and now really paying it attention. It's lovely to read something uplifting at the moment!
