Wednesday, 29 April 2020

Positive Affirmations For Every Night

AD | Hello my lovelies, happy Wednesday, I hope that you're all having a wonderful Hump Day! Being a massive believer in The Secret and The Law of Attraction I wanted to share a night-time daily positive affirmation that you should be saying to yourself out loud every night before bedtime so that you can go to bed and wake up feeling positive.

 - I gave my best self today. It doesn't matter if everything went perfectly today or if it went terrible today. I am thankful for the day. I am thankful for the love and safety I have in my life. The day is in the past now and I will let it be. I am looking forward to tomorrow morning. To start a new day. I have the power, positivity, motivation, and happiness to make tomorrow a great day. Tomorrow I can grow further. Tomorrow I will be grateful for the good things.

With love, Alisha Valerie. x