Friday, 1 May 2020

Hello May | 2020

AD | Hello my lovelies, happy Friday, I hope that you all are having a wonderful end to your week and start to your weekend! I cannot believe that it's only the fifth month of the year is only here now, being stuck on lockdown indoors still has really been getting to me.

Other than the one post explaining why I was self-isolating from the very beginning of all this scary madness, I haven't spoken much about the virus on my website yet and to be honest, that's because I wasn't sure how I was feeling about it all. Until this weekend. This past weekend really hit me like a ton of bricks. I'm a total home-bird, I adore being at home all of the time and only going out once a month for our 'big shop' and as I'm a social media influencer I'm used to being at home all of the time so it wasn't actually getting to me staying home that much as if I'm really honest so I thought that not a lot changed for me.

But as the month went on I was really feeling uneasy and rather 'down in the dumps' as my Nan would say. What has got to me the most this month was not being able to go and put flowers on my Nans grave. It really broke my heart this month not being able to go and visit where my Nan is laid to rest. Thankfully my therapist has been on hand and has really been helping me deal with all of things feelings.

Like everyone else we started April in lockdown enjoying the sunshine, thankfully we have huge gardens around our home and our back garden needed some sorting out as there were leaves everywhere so we spent some time doing that, putting a shed up and pretty much just getting our garden ready for the summertime. If you've followed me for a while then you'll know that sorting out our gardens and buying a new shed has been something that we've wanted for a little over two years now so it felt good to scratch that goal off our bucket list.

On Friday 10th April, my husband and I celebrated what would have been out little girls sixth birthday. It was a very heartbreakingly sad day but Phil and I watched Disney movies and snuggled on the sofa. Then on Monday 13th April, we celebrated my best friends birthday and as he is on lockdown in our home too we celebrated by watching a movie in 3D and was kindly gifted a discount code for Just Eat*.

Towards the end of the month, I came down with an awful "something" and I say something because I have no clue what happened, but I was bed-bound for three days. I'm so thankful that I didn't have the horrible virus but whatever it was that I did have really scared me as my lungs where hurting and I was shaking and such. Being unwell with everything going on in the world was really scary but after three days I felt back to normal and was so much better. It's made me appreciate my health so much more.

I'm ending April on a bit of a high, I've gotten into the swing of things and have put together things to do on days where I feel lost or "down in the dumps". I've come to terms with the fact that we all aren't one hundred per cent sure of when we are all going to be able to go out into the world. For now, I'm going to enjoy this time as much as possible and be safe at home.

How was your April? How are you coping with lockdown? What are your plans for May? I'd love to know your views and thoughts so please let me know by leaving me a little comment of love below? Sending you all so much love for a wonderful day x

With love, Alisha Valerie. x


  1. Sounds like a tough month for you for so many reasons, but I'm glad it ended on a more positive note. I'm so sorry you couldn't get to the grave. I think it's totally normal to go through ups and downs with this whole thing. I'm in the same position as you from a work perspective so I didn't think it would be that hard on me either but there's the odd day that I really just want to do something so simple & can't that it hits me. I hope you have a great May x


  2. Sounds like a difficult month so hope the next month is better for you! Sending you a hug xx

  3. Sounds like a tough month, well done for getting through it! xx

  4. I’m glad you found the positives in your month and I hope you’re staying safe during this time. Hope you have more happier days!

    Jessica & James |

  5. April was no easy month for you, sending you love and support. It is also nice to read that you managed to finish the month on a high, I think the first few weeks were the hardest - but I am glad things are slowly returning to normal where I live. I hope you have a better May than April ♥

  6. I love reading your monthly updates Alisha! I'm sorry to see you had a hard month but I'm glad you're on the up. I hope May brings you lots of happiness and positivity xxx

    Leanne | Latte Leanne

  7. I hope May turns out to be a better month for you ��

  8. I feel like April has really had some highs and lows. There were beautiful days and sunshine, which we enjoyed basking in with the pups - I pulled out the hammock. At the same time, there were rainy days that seemed to really bring me down mentally and emotionally. I'm hoping that May has more highs than lows, and we can return to a sense of 'normal' sooner rather than later.

  9. I’m so sorry to hear you had tough moments in April. I pray May turns out beautiful ❤️. Stay safe

  10. April sounded like a tough month for you Alisha, stay strong x

    Lucy |

  11. It definitely is tough at the moment with everything going on and not being able to do the things we usually do. I've had some tough days, but trying to keep positive! It was my boyfriends birthday on the 1st of May so I tried my best to make it a good day for him even if we were just stuck inside!

    Chloe xx

  12. Wow glad you are feeling ok now! Hopefully May is much better than April for you. I think at this time the best thing to do is just treat yourself in ways that you can so like getting a Just Eat takeaway :)

  13. I'm glad you finished the month on a high, there can be so many hard situations in lockdown.

  14. Thank you for posting this my lovely lady. I know you've not had the best month so i hope May is brighter for you. I'm so glad that you're feeling better! I know how worried you were.

    We found out recently we have been made foster carers and going to get custody of my nieces and nephews so we have been overwhelmed and rushing around getting the house done hehe.

    It's been a hard time and this lockdown has broken me a little but as you know, we can and will get through this.

    Sending so much love my lovely friend.

    Stay wonderful!

    Louna x

  15. It sounds like you had a tough month but I'm glad you're feeling better. April was a hard month for me - not being able to celebrate my birthday with family and friends as well as not being able to put some flowers on my grandads grave really hit home.

  16. I’m so sorry April was a difficult month for you. I really hope that May brings some better times for you.

    Certainly sounds like you’re feeling better.

    Claire x

  17. I'm sorry to hear how difficult April was for you and hopefully May will be better.

  18. I'm sorry to hear that the month wasn't the best for you,but I'm glad that it turned around a bit in the end. Hoping for better in May!


  19. Good for you turning it around. April was ok for us,but May has tossed the kids and I into a bit of a wall. We’re sick of this distance learning and the weather just isn’t cooperating to lift our spirits.

  20. I don't know if I'm happy to see May or not. It's my birthday this month as well as my original wedding date - but obviously that isn't going ahead now! Bittersweet is the word I'd use!

  21. Hey. Its uk beauty budget mum from twitter. Sending you big hugs xx

  22. I'm sorry you had such a tough month. It must be really scary being ill right now.


  23. Sending you all the love in the world

    Love, Amie ❤️

    The Curvaceous Vegan

  24. So sorry to hear it was tough for you! Pleased it ended on a higher note. I hope the rest if May can be a bit more positive for you, sounds like a great mindset. Xx

  25. Massive hugs to you, lovely! Hoping May treats you way better considering the world imploding!

    Daisy xoxo | TheDeeWhoLived

  26. I'm so sorry you had a tough month. Sending hugs and well wishes. ❤️

  27. Sorry you had a tough month, here's to a brighter happier one babe! xo

  28. April was filled with ups and downs for me as well. It ended on a much higher note than it began. I'm glad that you didn't have the big bad virus. Here's hoping May will bring you much joy.

  29. All of this with the lockdown is so surreal. I truly hate the fact that people I know are passing away from the virus or other illnesses and we can't have a proper funeral. I understand the need for social distancing but this aspect has been the most difficult for me.

  30. So sorry for the tough month. It's truly a tricky time at the moment! Thank-you for sharing this though, must have taken a lot of courage. There were quite a couple ups and downs in April for me as well. Fingers crossed for a good May!

    Gemma |
